I was going through a box ov old stuff and found my computer notebook (a little black diary) from around 2001-2003.
Of the hundred of entries only three logins still worked:
- Gentoo forums
- slashdot
one other I can’t remember atmThe other was Yahoo
And of all the websites and apps 90% no longer exist or the logins are dead
I’ve heard websites on the internet referred to as sand castles. I’m a big fan of the way back machine for the nostalgia.
Command and Conquer forum PPM is still live and kicking nearly 20 years later. My login still works, amazing.
There are notes on Sun Java
Product keys for:
- Borland/Delphi/Kylix
- vmware v3.0 and v4.0
- Terrapin FTP (they still exist)
- ULead
A “Linux User #”
Some well dead ISP’s
A couple of domains that I forgot that I had even had:
You have a great opportunity with discover-england.co.uk to fill it with pictures of Rwanda and troll the government.
I worked for campus housing networking and we’d get all sorts of free crap. Mouse pads for dogpile.com. Pets.com puppets. Squeeze balls from companies I don’t remember anymore.
ICQ days were good days