Source: illustration from the 1979 children’s book Future Cities by Kenneth Gatland and David Jefferis - Ретрофутуризм. Retrofuturism — LiveJournal
- Giant-size TV. Based on the designs already available, this one has a super-bright screen for daylight viewing and stereo sound system.
- Electronic video movie camera, requires no film, just a spool of tape. Within ten years video cameras like this could be replaced by 3-D holographic recorders.
- Flat screen TV. No longer a bulky box, TV has shrunk to a thickness of less than five centimetres. This one is used to order shopping via a computerised shopping centre a few kilometres away. The system takes orders and indicates if any items are not in stock.
- Video disc player used for recording off the TV and for replaying favourite films.
- Domestic robot rolls in with drinks. One robot, the Quasar, is already on sale in the USA. Reports indicate that it may be little more than a toy however, so it will be a few years before ‘Star Wars’ robots tramp through our homes.
- Mail slot. By 1990, most mail will be sent in electronic form. Posting a letter will consist of placing it in front of a copier in your home or at the post office. The electronic read-out will be flashed up to a satellite, to be beamed to its destination. Like many other electronic ideas, the savings in time and energy could be enormous.
Book info: Future Cities The World of the Future: Homes & Living Into the 21st Century by Gatland, Kenneth & David Jefferis - 1979
This is actually fairly accurate. Some of the guesses at how the technology would actually work are hilariously bad, but that also would have been extremely hard to guess at the time.
Even down to them having a stack of records in a room full of more modern technology.
Presumably video discs:
The solar panels amaze me.
It also predicted bad haircuts and bum clothes (age of corona).