Apple’s MacBook Pro memory problem is worse than ever::Apple still sells expensive “Pro” computers with just 8GB of RAM and charges a fortune for more.

    7 months ago

    personal attacks are not a good look, however veiled.

    Wait, isn’t this you?

    Try again chump.

    Rules for thee, but not for me it seems eh. I do not apologize because you feel “personally attacked” because I pointed out, with links to Apples anti-consumer behavior, to Apples predatory behavior with developers, and Apple having to address the suicide/slavery. That’s on you.

    You find me a big tech manufacturer that’s squeaky clean and I’ll give you that one.

    None of them are squeaky clean. No company is anywhere. But I can go into say Microcenter, and pick parts from various brands, they all work together and I can build a computer I’m happy with in the end. Something literally impossible with Apple products.

    As for software, I don’t really use anything that’s not also available on at least some of the other platforms you mention. I’m not signed into my Apple ID on it, I only use Chrome on it to get the software I use.

    Then you need a Chromebook. Or could use Linux. But unless your spoofing your user agent, everyone you connect to with on a browser, absolutely knows where it came from. It’s not like, if I don’t sign in with a Microsoft account, all of a sudden I’m going to pull a fast one on Steam.

    I’m well aware of the issues but you thinking I’m somehow worse than anyone using a PC with Windows or whatever is just naive.

    So your aware of the issues, ignore them and then use a straw-man argument. The slave labor being used in Apple is fine because… Windows… Ok.

    And to top it all, you think I made some kind of attack on those who don’t like Apple.

    Nope. I re-read my post, unsure where you go that from.

    Again, it’s not looking good for you and you’re doing the heavy lifting for me.

    Right, fuck me, I provided sources from various people. Clearly a bad look because I did research and presented evidence to my argument. And you think your on the moral/ethical high ground here, especially after you clearly are unbothered by the slave labor. But I need to be worried about my look to… who exactly? Apple? You? Who exactly do I need to ensure I have a “good look” for?

    • ianovic69
      7 months ago

      Rules for thee, but not for me

      You started it -

      I don’t know how you’ve managed to get on Lemmy


      because you feel “personally attacked” because I pointed out, with links to Apples anti-consumer behavior


      None of them are squeaky clean. No company is anywhere.

      That my friend is the sound of you conceding. Well done.

      But I can go into say Microcenter,

      I did this for years. It’s one of the reasons I got a MBP. But you carry on ranting at me, it’s all my fault apparently.

      Then you need a Chromebook. Or could use Linux.

      Chromebook and Linux are not for me. In fact they are considerably worse.

      everyone you connect to with on a browser, absolutely knows where it came from

      Good. That’s useful, I’ll keep doing it. Thanks.

      The slave labor being used in Apple is fine because… Windows… Ok.

      Not what I said. But you’ve conceded so whatever.

      Nope. I re-read my post, unsure where you go that from.

      Because you said -

      Take your pick as to why people both on Reddit and Lemmy aren’t super stoked about Apple products.

      I provided sources

      For no good reason it turns out.

      And you think your on the moral/ethical high ground here, especially after you clearly are unbothered by the slave labor.

      More inaccurate conclusions. You aren’t very good at this.

      Who exactly do I need to ensure I have a “good look” for?

      I’ll let you work that one out.

      Have a nice Xmas!