Had a deal I couldn’t refuse on a chuggy chuggy shreddy guitar. Need an decent practice amp. I’ll definitely be playing some clean stuff or very little over drive stuff of my favorite 90s songs. But obviously the guitar is a thrash animal and that is my favorite shit, so what tiny amp combo can at least put out something remotely close to heavy? Price range is $250 used or less

  • Carterbuzz@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I’d check out the Boss Katana. The 50 watt is right around $250 new and you could probably find a 100 watt one used for a similar price. It’s solid state so you won’t have a problem running it at low volumes. The Katana is super versatile and is really popular so there’s lots of good resources on dialing in various tones. The Orange Crush 35RT is another good option. It’s a little more expensive and not quite as versitile, but is pretty good for heavier tones. Both amps have tons of demo videos on YouTube.

    You could also look into running amp sims through your computer using an audio interface and daw. You can get a Focusrite Scarlett Solo for under $100 then the various software runs from free to a few hundred bucks. Neural DSP has a few different metal plug-ins that are very highly rated. The learning curve on the amp sim route can be a little steep though. I gave it a try a few years ago and could never get a good tone. I came back recently and spent a lot of time learning about gain staging and how to set everything up to work together and am thrilled with the sounds I can get. I much prefer the software route to any solid state combo amp I’ve played.