I currently run operations for a small lab. I have built a fairly complex Access database from scratch in order to manage all budgeting, purchasing, inventory, and invoicing systems. I spend a bit of time each day maintaining/improving it. I am also currently in a year long computer science program learning c++. I would like more practice with sql was just curious if anyone had any recommendations for recreating my database in a more modern fashion… Access works, but is a bit clunky/fragile.

Our software budget is nonexistent, so considering open source or from scratch. I have recreated all my tables in mysql, but is mysql the best way to go? As far as a front end, is there anything I can implement with c++? Or is this worth dabbling in another language for? I want something that I can both learn from but will also be useful/reliable enough to replace my Access database. Or would this be a total waste of time for how challenging building this from scratch would be?

Thanks! I appreciate any advice!

  • Vinny_93@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    If the goal is to build a transactional database I think mysql will do fine. Once you’ve built the db the only thing you need is a frontend that fills the db. Any language that supports form inputs (and field validation) will do. In college, we had to build one with PHP. But it’s really up to you, C(#/++) or so is just fine.

    If the goal is to report on this data, look for an ETL tool like SSIS in Visual Studio or any FOSS alternative.