I heard an allegation that ivermectin is being used in India to treat the coronavirus? Can someone explain that?

  • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Ivermectin is for side treatment, and yes it is used in India. It is used in more countries than the horse dewormer MSM narrative would have told you, which would be… most of the countries. You might be shocked to know that even steroids are used for treatment in case of severe viral load and/or illness.

    Side treatments supplement and support the main treatment, since during COVID illness you cannot get the vaccine, as your body systems are too weak. Once you recover in a few months, after you have sufficiently low COVID antibodies developed from contracting COVID, you get the vaccine (generally 4-6 months later).

    In a nutshell, ordinary people know nothing more than what Western MSM news media tells them, and the handful people who choose to read reputed journal papers like Lancet. These are the same news media that called China’s measures draconian (actually effective), then followed with “brave” headlines when USA, Italy and other countries copypasted the same measures.

    t. Indian whose dad is a doctor

      • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        This is simply false. Ivermectin has more medical uses for humans than the provax narrative mostly built by medically uneducated journalists has told you. The whole horse dewormer narrative is incredibly ignorant, considering how much Ivermectin has been researched and has been used among humans, especially during COVID treatment.

        Listen to doctors and read medical sources instead of relying on tabloid hearsay. As harmful as the antivax narrative is, provax MSM counter narrative also infuses ignorance into a lot of people, destroying critical thinking, research and vigilant skills that everyone must have.