People don’t stop being trans because you disagree with them politically. I despise Jenner and other high profile trans grifters but I’m not shitty enough to deny their identities.

Do better. As a user of both sites this shit is genuinely upsetting. Despite how you may feel about hexbear, how can you claim that they bait people into revealing their internalized transphobia and then turn around and make shitty claims like this? I don’t give a shit if you call me a tankie or red fash or whatever, but I’m trans whether you like me or not.

    9 months ago

    hexbear is a troll farm, and i do think a great deal of it is faking things
    to say people are pretending to be trans to rage-bait is pretty stupid though.

    they don’t even seem to be tankies, they’re pretty adamant about communism but everyone thinks the USSR, CCP, etc are fascist dictatorships pretending to be communist.

    buuut if you express the opinion that “cracker” is a racial slur, you’ll get called cracker 12 times and then banned entirely.

    no discussion, nothing… just “no it’s not a racial slur, even though it’s a derogatory race-based term”, and then banned from the entire thing.

    the comments are just about entirely negative… just complaining about or mocking people…
    it’s pretty toxic