One of the options for students enrolling into Hogwarts, if they come from a wizarding family, is that they have the option of using a hand-me-down wand. But short of wands being damaged beyond repair, we don’t see many people replacing them, even though it happens enough that hand-me-downs are a valid option for new students.

So how long does one last? Does a wizard normally use one wand in their lifetime, or is it the kind of thing where an old, worn-out wand is fine for schoolwork, but you’d need something newer/better for adult life?

    9 months ago

    Afaik, there’s no in universe, canon answer.

    But you’d be amazed how long well made wood items can last, and most wands in HP were mainly wood.

    There’s examples of things made of wood lasting thousands of years. With proper care, and you’d think wizards would put that effort in to something so important, there’s no reason given in the books or movies a wand couldn’t last indefinitely unless damaged by abnormal circumstances.

    Just as an example, my mom has a kitchen knife that was made in the 1700s. It isn’t used any more, but the handle of it is in great shape. No cracking, no splitting, and only minor wear. My house has wood floors that are creeping on 200 years old, and they’ve been used, in the section of the house where they are.

    Wands don’t get the same kind of wear and tear at all.

    From the way the movies and books make it seem, wands being passed down is likely common, but not necessarily in every family are there enough to go around, so you get wands being reused like the Weasleys did. One kid graduates, the next kid gets the wand, and the now adult wizard gets their own, or that’s the way it seems to work.