Arch wiki page on reflector states that:
Make sure the resulting /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist does not contain entries that you consider untrustworthy before syncing or updating with pacman.
The question is, how should I know if a mirror is trustworthy or not?
Well, mine is the university five minutes from my neighborhood, and I basically know the people who run it. So it’s pretty obvious to me, personally. I just picked that one manually and deleted all the others (kept a few that were closest to me geographically, but commented-out, as backup if something were to go wrong).
Same here, I don’t know the people but I just use my local uni’s computer science club cause I just think it’s endearing lol
I’m just using the mirror for now but I should look into unis too. Good idea.
I hope you find one that works for you! 😊👍