For those that don’t know about it, Awesome Games Done Quick is an annual charity event with speedrunners showcasing impressive ways to finish games extremely quickly. It’s 24/7 for a week, so always enjoyable to have in the background while working from home to dip in and out of.

Currently there’s a very enjoyable run of Super Mario Sunshine.

I’ve also enjoyed the awful block and I’ve heard the dog doing the speedrun was an impressive feat to behold (albeit not that exciting for the whole 30 minutes)

    1 year ago

    I love these things. Two events a year that fll YouTube with hundreds of hours of content that’s great background fodder.

    There’s been a ton of games I’ve never heard of that I discovered by seeing at these events.

    Not every one is a winner. Some people just aren’t good presenters, some games are just not interesting. Whenever the charity is a cancer foundation, there’s tons of depressing stories that come through the donations that bum the mood. There’s the occasional drama that happens with any sort of large organization.

    But overall those are minor issues on what is otherwise a great time.