Grim Dawn version v1.2.0 is going to be entering the public playtest later this Summer with an expected release in the late Summer/early Fall. This update is, to put it mildly…a big one. We have gone through literally hundreds if not thousands of data entries to bring you quality of life improvements and breathe some fresh air into the game.

    2 years ago

    I personally rate it as the best arpg currently available. It has huge amounts of content, gear, build variety, multiplayer, endgame farming options, and modding. It is also zero bullshit, buy the game and get everything. The expansions each add transformative gameplay and well crafted content at least as polished as the base game. Over the years I’ve gone back to it again and again, 1437.4 hours according to Steam.

    I think I paid $34 for it on sale. Incredible value.

    At least that’s my take.