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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/Conscious_Heat6064 on 2024-01-24 08:26:25+00:00.

What’s something that everyone desires, maybe the most? Going to the past and reliving those joyous moments. But did we actually enjoy those moments at that time, as we make them out to be? No. Because over the years, our minds remove the undesirable parts and only let the good memories and feelings remain. If we ever travel back in time, it will be in the form of our minds. This technology seems possible in the future with the current trajectory, like text-to-image or text-to-video; there could be thought-to-video or thought-to-reality technology. We could reconstruct the past exactly as we remember it. We know that big companies make a lot of money by making people addicted to their products, so if this ever happens, humanity is in grave danger. We’re aware of what smartphones do to people, especially the young ones – how much time we waste while surfing useless content. Uh-oh.