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The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/InevitableTraining69 on 2024-01-24 13:00:08+00:00.

The one industry that should never go wrong, because what their purpose and responsibility is greatly outweighs anything else, is the medical industry. Yet they fail so badly so much of the time, and there is so much that does not make sense in the medical industry that could be overhauled by AI…

Let’s take a simple example. Recently I decided to see a primary care physician. Terrible experience trying to set up the appointment. Person on the phone asked me for my insurance card which I provided. I get a call later asking to provide my insurance card. Online, I filled out a four-page Google form about all of my medical history, and my insurance card… Then I get to the office and they asked me for my insurance card. Why do they need to reiterate the same exact information at least four times, for every single aspect of making an appointment? How many doctors offices have a medical record system, and you still have to fill out all of their paperwork, usually on paper, which makes no sense to me…

Like, how can humans be so advanced and intelligent, and simultaneously be so bad at something? Artificial intelligence would easily identify this as something that needs to be improved, and be able to propose a solution. Gather the insurance card and medical history prior to the appointment one time, not two, not three, not seven. Additionally, creation of synchronized systems so patients dPon’t have to spend dozens of hours information and medical history information over and over again.

Additionally, medical inscription and scribe information is very good area for AI to enhance as well. Not only is AI capable of determining voice and translating to text, but it can also analyze text, do pattern recognition, and advanced analysis of that data to determine if you have any medical illnesses or any medical illnesses that should be checked for. Doctors have to review everything one at a time, slowly, excruciatingly slow, for each and every patient that they have… AI can do all this simultaneously, because computers can think marvelously faster than humans ever can. If you have a database That supports parallel processing, this becomes even easier because now, you can test every single patient for medical illness at the same time