Even if nobody else saw it. What notable at least or you or interesting thing did you do?

Me personally, I’m as interesting as dehydrated oatmeal unfortunately. But surely some cool sunglasses wearers must have joined this instance.

  • SgtAStrawberry@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I was going for a diplomatic victory in Civ 6 but the AI had enough points to take mine away. So I voted with the AI to remove 2 of my victory points and then I used all of my points to win the other 3 suggestions. This resulted in me losing 2 points but winning 4 as I had voted for the winning suggestion in all 4 instances, this won me the game as I only need two more points to win.

    Not voting with the AI to have my points removed would have resulted in me being one point short of winning.