For the clothes, not always, you can promt for what you want and / or modify it afterwards. In fact, if you want to try it, it’s pretty easy to get into with automatic1111.
I’m still learning, but to get a good result, you ofter have to play around with the prompt and then run a lot of generations (about a 100 for the ones in the post).
Thanks for the ideas! I’ll keep them in mind for my next post
For the clothes, not always, you can promt for what you want and / or modify it afterwards. In fact, if you want to try it, it’s pretty easy to get into with automatic1111.
I’m still learning, but to get a good result, you ofter have to play around with the prompt and then run a lot of generations (about a 100 for the ones in the post).
Thanks for the ideas! I’ll keep them in mind for my next post