As a complete beginner that knows how to say 2-3 sentences, how do we get to the point where it’s possible to comprehend these sources?

edit: To expand on this, every advice resource i’ve seen on the internet has said: “forget textbooks, you need comprehensible input!” which I agree with, but how can you begin learning the language to the point at which this is possible?

    8 months ago

    He holds up his hand and says:

    Das ist meine hand.

    This is exactly how we were taught English. First day at school teacher just looked at the class, pointed at one of us and said “Come to the blackboard” while gesturing. “Take a chalk. Open the window.”. Then we continued with textbooks that were all in English. I mean the books had no explanations in our native language. We were technically not allowed to speak our native language in the classroom but of course there were some exceptions if we really did not understand something. All in all I think it worked great.