As the title says, one of my friends wants to go on a backpacking trip with me. Usually I like to be very spontaneous and sorta “rough it”, which would definitely not be good for the guy. I planned out a nice flat-ish 30 km route for us where we can watch the sunrise and the sunset from an overlook. What are some things that I should do in order to make his first trip a little better?

    1 year ago

    I once took a buddy out on his first camping trip. As a life-long city dweller, he was so excited for the opportunity to “get back to nature.” As we were walking along a particularly scenic trail, he grabbed a plastic-wrapped snack while commenting on the beauty of it all, ate the snack, and tossed the wrapper on the ground. Suffice it to say, I took this as a bit of a teachable moment. Save yourself a headache and educate your friend on trail etiquette before you go.