I don’t understand AP’s old-school headline fetish that makes no sense in the digital world. There’s no need to be confusing to save space. It’s not as if my clearer headline that’s ~10 characters longer than theirs is “too long”.

The dengue virus is passed between humans by infected mosquitoes, but a type of bacteria called Wolbachia can interrupt transmission of the disease. Health officials say a pilot program launched in Niteroi in 2015, in which scientists breed mosquitoes to carry the Wolbachia bacteria, has helped the city in its battle against dengue.

  • livestreamedcollapse@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    Looked at the linked article within that’s about the Wolbachia study to see if Hideo Kojima once again predicted the future. Sadly no scientific paper is linked there nor an explanation given for the mechanisms on how Dengue transmission is reduced in Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes, or how Wolbachia-infected males produce non-viable eggs when breeding with uninfected females.