It’s a student job. Only 3 hours a week, and i’m gone (already wow) from the uk in 3 months and hte pay is around 7.5 pound an hour. The money from the events go to the people in the community in need. But I am a little uncertain about that as they are not working with an association specifically (uncertain?)

Now there is no contract, I’m meeting the guy at Asda tomorrow where he’ll give me the flyers and the pay is in cash.Which means to me if I’m not wrong that there won’t be any contract? So if I don’t get paid for my work, or I learn anything shady about them (I checked already, no red flargs except their major event last year didn’t do so good), I can just leave right?

  • fakeman_pretendname
    11 months ago

    Are you selling flyers, or just handing them out to people? Selling flyers sounds a bit weird.

    Distributing flyers for people in exchange for a tiny amount of cash seems quite normal - a lot of pubs/venues/small charitable organisations used to do it. If it’s a tiny organisation, it wouldn’t be worth a contract, it’s such a tiny amount of money.