Hello. I’m a hobbist on electronics repairs, and I did some repairs on stuff powered from the wall socket before, using a serial bulb to protect the circuit in case there’s a short. Now I want to troubleshoot a board that works at 3V and very low current (like no more than 100mA). So, how can I properly size the bulb I need for this circuit before powering it? Or is there a better way to protect the circuit than a serial bulb? Thanks in advance.

  • Susan_B_Good@discuss.tchncs.de
    1 year ago

    You can make your own current-limited power supply, probably from bits and pieces you already have. Let’s say that you have a 5v dc power supply and a hand full of rectifier diodes and resistors (various values and sizes).

    Put a series chain of forward biased rectifier diodes and resistor(s) across your 6v supply. Choose enough diodes to give you a 3v output. Now choose a combination of series/parallel resistors to give you a 2v drop with a current of, say 100mA. You need 20 ohms - so that could be 5 x 100 ohm resistors in parallel.

    The most current that can put out is the full 5v across 20 ohms - but at that point the output voltage will be near zero.

    Bench supplies, well reasonable ones, allow you to set a current limit as well as an output voltage. At loads below that current limit - it operates as a constant voltage supply. At loads above - it operates as a “constant current” supply. You would set the output current limit to 100mA and that’s the most that it will output.

    Now the rectifier diodes plus resistor would allow the current to increase above 100mA, up to 250mA when the output voltage will be near zero (short circuited) - if you want better than that, then you can add a transistor and a few other components.