Running an ender 5 and while my board technically works fine, the USB socket popped off and despite my best efforts the joint holders are too damaged to solder a new one.

I mean maybe it’s about time, I had lost the original config file anyways. Does anyone have an idea of what’s “good” these days? Not really looking to spend more than $200 if I can help it

    7 months ago

    Hi there Paf,

    You are totally right, lack of power (cpu) on a Marlin firmware. When using klipper, the board doesn’t do any processing anymore. It becomes dumb and transfert the input signals to the pi and output signals to the motors etc…

    A board not powerful enough for anything can do evrything under klipper if compatible. (some cpu was not compatible last time I checked 2 years ago, it may have changed). The awesome thing with klipper is that it can be compatible with the original motherboard and you can add resonance compensation just by plugging a pi. But that’s not OP problem as he needs a new board.

    For me, Klipper had been a great discovery and I can’t think to go back simply due to the easy way of changing the config files compared to recompiling everything in Marlin.