which VOIDS Families.

Seek Wisdom of Cubic Life
Intelligence - or you die boring.

Boring God Believers refuse to
acknowledge 4 corner Days
rotating simultaneously around
4 quadrant created Earth -
in only 1 rotation, voiding the
Oneism Boring 1 Day 1 God.
You worship Chadic impostor
guised by educators as 1 god.

No 1 God equals 4 - 24 hour
Days Rotating Simultaneously
within 1- 24 hour Rotation of
4 quadrant created Earth.
Ignoring 4 Corner Earth Days
will Destroy Boring Humanity.
I am organizing Children to
join “Cubic Army of 4 Days”
to convert Boring 1 Day Adults
to 4 Day mentality existence,
to serve perpetual humanity.

“Nothing on Earth more Boring
than a human educated as 1,
when composed of opposites
that cancel out as an entity.”
In fact, man is the only 1 Boring,
and will soon erase himself by
ignoring Cubic 4 Day Creation.
If a Man cannot tear a page
from the marshmallow and burn it -
then he cannot be a scientist,
or participate in Symposium -
to measure Cubing of Earth
with Cubic intelligence wiser