Gina Miller is calling for ecocide to be criminalised as she warned that the UK is far behind the European Union in terms of environmental protection.

The anti-Brexit campaigner has backed policy proposals that would see major polluters jailed for up to 10 years or face a fine of up to £3.85 million.

Ms Miller warned that UK progress on environmental policies more widely has been stifled by Brexit.

This, compounded by a lack of action from Britain’s mainstream parties, means it is lagging behind its European counterparts, she said.

    6 months ago

    Ms Miller warned that UK progress on environmental policies more widely has been stifled by Brexit.’ Can’t say I agree with this sentiment. Brexit is not the thing making these decisions, the encumbent government is. Brexit might have facilitated them, but it’s not the direct cause.

    This, compounded by a lack of action from Britain’s mainstream parties, means it is lagging behind its European counterparts, she said.’ Exactly. It’s time we start blaming the right target - in this case, the Tories.

    • Echo Dot
      6 months ago

      They are using Brexit as a way to ignore established environmental policy. If we were still in the EU they wouldn’t have much leeway to do that. Although you are right, if we change the administration we probably wouldn’t have as much of an issue. But Brexit is partly to blame. Which of course was the whole point to need to begin with.

      Which is why it was so infuriating that Corbin basically allowed it to just go ahead without any kind of descent. Regardless of what he personally thought about the EU he should have thought about the inevitable consequences. It was literally his job and he couldn’t be arsed to do it.

        6 months ago

        Yeah, I don’t disagree. My point was more that these laws didn’t develop overnight on their own, it took political will and motivation. Constantly blaming the bogeyman of Brexit keeps the finger of blame neatly pointing at 50% of the population, and away from those actually making and implementing these choices. Brexit doesn’t have to mean a race to the regulatory bottom, we could be doing better than the EU. It’s just the Tories are choosing to make things worse and then hiding behind Brexit as a convenient scapegoat. We need to start holding them to account for this shit, rather than wasting energy throwing mud at each other for a decision made years ago.