After years of waiting, we finally have a release date for Xenonauts 2

  • addie
    1 year ago

    Okay. Well, they look like they’re completely doubling-down on the ‘just like UFO: Enemy Unknown / XCOM with graphics improvements’ vibe that they had with the first one. Not that it was bad, but it was a bit slow, and I found that a lot of the generated maps tended to be more annoying than interesting to clear out. Sprawling and twisty does not improve the fun, nor did the interception minigame. The gameplay improvements that OpenXcom has - particularly in making movement decisions much faster - still made it a superior game, to me.

    Since I love the genre, and between the new XCom games taking a different direction and Phoenix Point not being particularly great, then I’m still going to go with ‘cautiously excited’ for this.