• 43 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • You are either being silly or intentionally taking weird positions.

    oh i am? 😂

    the current prices are set by the market.

    yes. and when your competitor is not bound by the same regulations as you are, you may find that unfair, because he can achieve cheaper prices on the same market.

    increased conpetitors price while keeping your advantage.

    what? the current competitor’s price is lower than yours and you are trying to level the field. you are approaching the price from the opposite direction than you suggest, so what you are saying makes no sense.

    “at home” for a lot of companies is not the US.

    and the goal of the tariff is to change that.

    companies are driven by profit not feelings.

    exactly. that’s why they have no problem exploiting people and environment in 3rd world countries. if you change the rules of the game to make it profitable for them to come back, they will do that.

    No it’s not easy indeed

    i never said it is easy.

    And the competitive edge the companies have by staying in cheaper countries helps them be competitive in the rest of the world.

    yes, this is sort of a prisoner’s dilemma and lot of economic problem’s is like that in modern world. i don’t have a solution for that, but it is pretty clear that selfish strategy for everyone is not actually working for anyone right now.

    it worked?

    it worked, because farmers who got in trouble were compensated according to what you said. i am not american, i don’t know details about trump tariffs and i in no way defend trump or his implementation. i am just saying tariffs are not stupid idea. the specific implementation is what can make it work or not and you can fuck up there, i am sure.

    Did your stuff get cheaper?

    goal of the tariffs is not make stuff cheaper.

  • We benefit from cheap imports

    in a similar way you benefit from first few cheap heroin doses. so, not really.

    my country officials were bowing and saluting to china cargo planes carrying masks and syringes during covid and there were real fear they if they did not, the plane might not have landed. we had indeed no capability to produce syringes and masks at home.

    being dependent on china, which is euro-atlantic civilization’s geopolitical enemy number one, is not smart long term strategy.

  • What would stop the US mega corps from just raising their prices 19pct? Still cheaper and free profit.

    i honestly don’t understand the question. why should they do that? what’s stopping them now? what’s your point?

    Why would large manufacturers move to a US with all its pesky eco rules and labor protections if you can just stay in your current country where you invested in your factories and just have the US consumer eat the price hike?

    because you can now produce at home at a competitive price?

    Investing in a country due to tarrifs is risky, cause if the tarrifs ever go away you invested in an uncompetitive manufacturing plant.

    indeed, longterm stability and predictability is important. there are unpredictable factors in 3rd world countries the west civilization currently exploits as well, so the goal is to be more stable and predictable at home. i am not saying it is easy.

    Tarrifs will be met with counter tarrifs causing other sectors to implode. The last round of trump tarrifs on china needed to be spent on farmers in the US almost completely because china tariffed their products and their main customer base in china dissapeared over night.

    so… it worked?

  • So how does that make products cheaper in the short term that he says it will, I.e the 4 years of a presidency?

    it does not, goal of the tax is not to make product cheaper.

    Washing machine factory dont exist locally, and may not even exist because the margins may still not work out.

    well the goal is obviously encourage growth of local manufacturers, so hopefully there will be one (or more)

    Even if they intend to build one, how does that help me even long term?

    your neighbour now may have a job manufacturing washing machines he didn’t have before and can buy service you provide, so you will also end up with more money.

    the state has 500 usd from some imported washing machines, which, hopefully, it will invest wisely to further increase the general well being of the population (don’t laugh, i know. but if they don’t, that’s not problem of the economic principal)

    and when one day china says “no more washing machines for you, unless you bow to winnie the pooh here”, you may say “fuck you, we are actually manufacturing washing machines at home”

    the last part, the self sufficiency, is the most important. my country officials were bowing and saluting to china cargo planes carrying masks and syringes during covid and there were real fear they if they did not, the plane might not have landed. and being dependent on china, which is euro-atlantic civilization’s geopolitical enemy is not smart long term strategy.

    Washing machine prices are now anchored at $1000 instead of the $500 because their only competition has their price controlled at that rate.

    well you now have more players on the market than before, so there is more competition and you are in better position than before. but unfortunately it is true that things will not get cheaper. there is 8 fucking billion of us on the finite planet and we are finally starting to realize it does not allow for infinite growth. more expensive stuff aka our ability to have less of it is manifestation of that problem, it is not some fluke that smart politician will solve with right slogan.

  • i don’t think you understand what tariff is and how it works. say there is some american made goods, it costs 10 usd. and here is the chinese equialent, it costs 5 usd, for seemingly similar product.

    majority of people will buy the 5 usd product, because “they are not dumb, right” TM

    you subject that chinese product to 5 usd import tax - now both of them cost 10 and you can as well buy the home made made one.

    yes, it is more expensive for you.

    but on the other hand your neighbour now may have a job he didn’t before and can buy service you provide, so you will also end up with more money.

    and the state still has that 5 usd which, hopefully, it will invest wisely to further increase the general well being of the population (don’t laugh, i know. but if they don’t, that’s not problem of the economic principal)

    and when one day china says “no more products for you, unless you bow to winnie the pooh here”, you may say “fuck you, we are actually manufacturing the product at home and we are not going to starve without you”

    the last part, the self sufficiency, is the most important. my country officials were bowing and saluting to china cargo planes carrying masks and syringes during covid and there were real fear they if they did not, the plane might not have landed. and being dependent on china, which is euro-atlantic civilization’s geopolitical enemy is not smart long term strategy.