Life is Strange: True Colors completely fucked with my head. Not all the plot relevant and intense parts of the game, but the moments where Alex found a new home and community. Especially the end where
Gabe’s “ghost” guides you to choose between staying in Haven or leaving.
Watching the scenes of Alex staying really hit me hard because I lived for years in a place I hated, was working in a stressful environment I hated, and was 1000 miles away from my friends. It took a while to get out of that funk, but I haven’t gone back to play it despite being in a better place and it being one of my favorite games of all time.
I worked security at an amusement park and happened to work a late shift when we switched to DST. Instead of getting off at 3 a.m., we all got off at 4 a.m. We were all pretty pissed because we didn’t get OT.