So we can turn the power on and off.
Why else would you have a switch next to a power socket?
So we can turn the power on and off.
Why else would you have a switch next to a power socket?
And the UK for that matter. You only get free education up to A Levels (18 years old).
If you want a degree then you pay for it.
No, residents can access it.
I failed at The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst though. Not really a boss, but harder than any of them.
Aw geez, what a shame. As if Neo-Goebbels is going to shut his propaganda arm over something as trivial as money.
His voters still don’t seem to have figured out that just means things will cost them more.
Or why isn’t there a server for EU agencies rather than each of them spinning one up. Surely across the whole of the EU, somebody could set that up.
In fairness, Firefox is also paid for by Google.
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter…
I was waiting for that.
How dare you not be an extremist!
Martyr Logarius.
And yes, he was an absolute nightmare.
“No no, look it’s faster!”
*shows chart of bullshitted pixels per second*
Dumbfuckistan wants us to call what what now?
Well I notice the £95 a year not spent on Amazon Prime.
Not surprising. I bet that little bit of US government “waste” will continue to be as wasteful as ever, if not more so.
As a software guy, that just sounds like one bit of software with two audiences that call it different things.
Everyone seems to be stepping on each others toes anyway, with “reels” and shit trying desperately to claw back some of those kids lost to TikTok.
Honestly not sure why the Fediverse is split that way either. A Lemmy client surely contains about 99% of the code to be a Mastodon client or Loops or Pixelfed or any of the others. Just looks like a procession of people constantly reinventing the wheel and painting it a different colour…
It’s always worth cutting ties with Amazon.
Just about everything is available from somewhere else, and probably cheaper with their enormous fees they charge the sellers.
If it isn’t available elsewhere, it’s probably an Aliexpress fire hazard anyway.
Or just tell me straighter than that.
Waterproof jacket, jumper, or t-shirt? That’s all I need.
I don’t need to know about the lower half because England basically never goes outside of “acceptable shorts weather” now.
I think it’s anybody who is allowed to be here.
If you’re on a time limited visa, I think there’s a yearly charge for it. Otherwise you get an NHS number and away you go.