• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2023


  • I also find it weird that there are so many together

    I’m not well versed in IDF tactics, however I know the basic of the operation which the Israelis are conducting.

    1. They’re buddled up due to fact these are forces trying to occupy an area of the city, likely some market place, poor tactics really but the IDF are desperate, and they’re not well known to have the most competent leadership.

    2. Israeli’s are using predominately armoured vehicles rather than infantrymen, it’s like the polar opposite of Ukraine. The reason’s for this is urban compact requires Armor to shield itself from small arms fire, Palestinian snipers are also very well trained, and several IDF soldiers testify just how effective they are.

    3. Mobility kills don’t really matter, if the tank crew abandons the armoured vehicles, its effectively gone. And the IDF are likely never going to recover these vehicles, it’s simply not a strategy which the military command, nor the cowardly IDF soldiers are ever going to do.

  • Buchenstr@lemmygrad.mltoGenZedong@lemmygrad.ml👤✅👤❎
    9 months ago

    These protests were funded by agricultural corporations to fight government environmental regulations, these hogs can really go fuck themselves for all I care.

    Most western european farmers are bourgeois traitors who would gladly sell their country out to blackrock if it meant they got a few hundred quid in their bank.

  • Egypt has been comprised since Anwar Sadat made peace with israel in the yon kippur war. Every Egyptian despot has kow-towed to american and zionist interest, they’re paid to look away, 4-5 billion annual bribe money annually.

    Russia isn’t the soviet union unfortunately. Capitalist interests are always profit before people, the russians want to be on the israeli goodside, Plus russia has had either neutral, or cordial relations with israel under president Putin. And russia isn’t fully committed to fighting imperialism unlike the USSR. I don’t expect them to do much.

    Iran and hezbollah I’m surprised about, I thought they would at least try to do something, but as for now they’ve stated they won’t help Gaza.

  • Buchenstr@lemmygrad.mltoGenZedong@lemmygrad.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    Generic winded responses from you again. No sources, No suitable information, numbers pulled from your arse it looks like. And of course you keep freaking out and denying that the russian collapse is only just a myth, which I’ve shown is completely true in every way possible. Not to mention you’re anti-academic Reponses as well, yeah the laser weaponry information came from the minister of defense, much more believable source than you, who has more information as of right now about this subject than him? And this paper is at least neutral to this laser development program. Your first response was that russia cannot destroy the western ISR, this article literally proves they can. Doesn’t matter if its a peresvet, or the Nalina, they have the capability to do so.

    That’s fine, you don’t engage with conversations appropriately because you simply deny everything that’s currently going on. And you do keep projecting on to me, trying to back-peddle on the fact you omitted these ghoulish texts here.

    They never wanted to win this war… at most they wanted a protracted ugly conflict that wasted war materials, damaged the Russian economy and reinforce sanctions, and a boogey man that would drive fence sitters into the arms of NATO.

    This couldn’t have gone better for the west if you had some Brookings institute goon prentending to be Putin. Even actions like reaching out to North Korea had think tanks frothing at the mouth with homicidal glee. If North Korean shells do eventually make it to Russia, you can just about guarantee South Korea is going to be pulled into the conflict as well.

    Once again, you seem delighted that this war is actually happening. And yet at the same breath, portray yourself to be a moral person. No I answered your texts in at least a well-mannered fashion, you responded with nothing but derogatory comments, probably because you have no actual information to respond back. Just accuse, accuse and accuse more until you feel better about yourself, pathetic.

    And once again you conveniently ignore my other reply, which actually answers your industrial questions, but you seem to completely ignore that, how strange.

    You support an organisation which has well known to commit numerous war-crimes in multiple opposing countries, yet where’s the justice for them? Do you conveniently ignore their struggles yet at the same time spout you’re a truly moral person who stands up with ukraine? Not once did I defend russia, not one comment, but again you cannot help yourself, anyone who opposes the bourgeoisie propaganda is simply just wrong, isn’t that right?

    Anyways I’m done with someone who only resorts to childish demeanor once their argument actually falls apart. I did at one point think you at least had a grasp on something, but you just deny any information presented to you. Least delusional liberal I’ve argued with.