• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I find this heartbreaking and remember shedding a few tears when I found out, which strangely didn’t happen for any celebrity, musician or a public figure.

    I feel respect and personal gratitude for this man’s work and I would really like to have him around in a good health. I just hope he gets proper care and it would be nice to know if the family needs any financial support, I’m sure many people would like to help if that’s the case.

  • This shit reminds me of the manager in a store I worked for in the past who bragged about chasing and physically assaulting a homeless man for stealing some bread rolls which usually got thrown away after the shift anyway. The fuck was so proud of himself like he did something good for society and said that “he could have found a job instead of stealing”.

    It was so disgusting that you could not drag me to that place now even by force, man.

  • Right? Funding media is one thing and using state/academic authority to alter history is a whole another level of crime. I borrowed the book from my sister to transcribe the chapter about USSR, I might share it as a curiosity later this week.

    There are few fragments straight from the official history textbook for secondary school in Poland:

    After Lenin’s death and against his will, [Stalin] became General Secretary of the party. During his reign he eliminated all his political opponents and implemented in the country industrialization and collectivization. These measures, together with widespread terror policy caused millions victims in the USSR. In 1939 Stalin collaborated with Hitler’s Germany, which resulted in assault on Poland and division of it’s terrotiry.

    (I bolded selected text by myself)

    "Even so Stalin continuosly tried to rebuild close relations with [nazi] Germany, because both countries still had the same political interests. Soviet dictator was impressed by panache and efficiency of Nazi regime. Special impression supposedly made on him “Night of the Long Knives”, when Hitler murdered his opposition inside the party […]. Even during bitter competition, both totalitarian powers tried to create a common border, but main obstacle was existence of independent Poland.

    Later on they write that both countries finally got to an agreement and launched a common assault on Poland, but Hitler supposedly betrayed Stalin and the alliance ended in 1941.

  • In Polish high schools they seriously teach that Soviets were in the alliance with III Reich and that Stalin supposedly admired Hitler (if I recall correctly skimming through my sister’s book).

    It goes deeper - they basically accuse the USSR of co-starting the World War II and other disgusting lies making communists look as bad or even worse than Nazis. It is formally approved as a school material and many if not most people unironically believe that the USSR was genocidal red-fascists empire.

    Since propagating communism is illegal here, bookstores don’t print almost any good literature that would counter the state propaganda and the country exists in a capitalist fantasy bubble.

    I was lucky enough to never trust educational system, but people who did are basically brain damaged now.

    Sorry for chaotic style but I’m sleep deprived and I wanted to share this atrocity while I remember, I may share some more information tomorrow.

  • Let’s not forget that major North American movies get funding from the military only if they paint the US in somewhat positive light.

    It’s a powerful state propaganda that works on exporting their “values” into the outside world - this cultural imperialism gets ingrained in our imagination and most people never get to truly understand that. To this day I can’t fully shake off some positive associations with the US that were put in my brain since choldhiod childhood with the help of US media. It’s disgusting, really.