Anti-colonial Marxism is as good as a country breakfast.

  • 20 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Half of them were too up their own asses to see the racism in their own families and used it as an outlet to express their “shock” so as to not face up to the fact that their upbringing needs to be critically examined instead of romanticized. These people, just like their QAnon family, are not mere victims and have their fair share of denial themselves.

  • The two state solution isn’t a “solution.” If a solution legitimizes Israel it is not a solution by any standard. It is not a long term plan. It just legitimizes the status quo by leaning on the inherently problematic society of states and its lie that states have equal sovereignty. You mistake the pragmatism of the PRC as a robust form of global problem solving when it is actually just doubling down on making space for their own interests within a faulty system they have elected to participate in. The PRC is not a global savior and it does not dignify the Chinese project to treat them as all knowing problem solvers. They are trying to survive and thrive in an insanely violent geopolitical environment as many nations are, they are absolutely not an unquestionable, infallible sovereign, even if they are more interesting than other projects in the world.

    The dismantlment of the occupation and its backers is the only solution to the problem and any other direction is a red herring that benifits the international order. This is not some dogmatic idealism, it is literally true. Could a 2 state reality be a first step in achieving the actual solution? Maybe if it isn’t immediately frustrated by interference and if a Palestinian state can magically have the capacity for governance and defense that it needs and the IDF magically drowns itself in the dead sea (in other words, a bunch of things that will never happen and have never happened). Is it a solution in itself? Absolutely not, it is just more of the same but the international community will wash its hands of the situation and call it resolved while pretending Israel is a legitimate entity. We may as well woke-scold people for not being realistic and refusing to vote for Joe Biden.

  • Exactly. But the problem is that zionism isn’t going to be addressed and if the Palestinian state is recognized it will likley not be properly supported, which will create neocolonial relations. Colonial relations develop this way routinely. So it must be asked, who is going to deal with zionism and when?

    The two state solution per se isn’t the problem, nor is a plan for phases of decolonization. Rather it is the asymmetric power being tilted to the zionists largely because of decades of international and US support. The fallacy we risk in seeing this in stages is that we imagine an ideal transition despite history showing how quickly it can just develop into neocolonialism with all options exhausted. The occupiers will inevitably be back in control of Palestine with new justifications and the international community will support it yet again.

    We can’t “undo” history, but we absolutely can and must undo settler-colonial relations and structures for a two state solution to even be tenable. But at that point, what really is the point of sticking to a two state solution? Other solutions may present themselves as these toxic relations are excised.

    Ultimately, it not our decision what is done with those who occupy Palestinian land but it is worth noting that expelling settlers is no more a genocide than any other form of decolonization is(nt). Framing it this way only gives credibility to zionism and makes settlers out to have no agency or self awareness. If we can’t stomach the thought of erasing zionist structures like the state of Isreal and the settler-colonial structures that reproduce it, then we should exit the discussion altogether.