DongWang [comrade/them, they/them]

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • “What makes you think I sit here in silence?“

    “Im stuck living with people who think anyone that is a shade of brown is less than human and that having an immigration policy is silly when we have guns and ammo. I cant reach these people and help them see that it cant be simplified in to black and white by calling them stupid and being dismissive of their feelings and now their identity has been tied into their “political” team.”

    Considering you are still living with them, still describing them as racists, but are too afraid to call them racist…

    “ I just use a different tactic to try to win over my neighbors”

    And we can see how well that’s working out for you

  • “ stuck living with people who think anyone that is a shade of brown is less than human and that having an immigration policy is silly when we have guns and ammo. I cant reach these people and help them see that it cant be simplified in to black and white by calling them stupid and being dismissive of their feelings and now their identity has been tied into their “political” team”

    Silence is complicity. From your own descriptions you are coddling people who would kill anybody who’s not white and you want to come in here, handwringing and taking up all the oxygen in the discussion because your feelings were hurt because you respect Bernie.

    I guess someone who’s too afraid to call a racist a racist WOULD look up to Bernie.

  • I think it’s just a game cashing in on people who haven’t played Nintendo games. For these people the gameplay loop is something new.

    I have seen a few locations that are just straight up dark souls/elden ring locations, made just different enough to get past laws.

    A consideration is it will make game devs argue to be able to patent (I’m not a lawyer parasite idk the right word) game mechanics more harshly. You know capitalists would love to be able to sue the pants off any other game that competes with them in the same genre by saying “your health bar/ sword looks too similar to ours, pay up”

  • Hello! So, I did a quick cursory glance of the hero kids system, but likely missed some things, so please reach out if you have any questions.

    The easiest way to convert 5e modules to a 2d6 based system:

    The lowest you can roll on 2d6 is a 2, and the highest a twelve. So, we convert 5e’s 1-20 numbers to fit that. (Ability modifier in parentheses)

    2d6 stats vs 5e stats

    2 (-5) = 0 and 1

    3 (-4) = 2 and 3

    4 (-3) = 4 and 5

    5 (-2) = 6 and 7

    6 (-1) = 8 and 9

    7 (0) = 10 and 11

    8 (+1) = 12 and 13

    9 (+2) = 14 and 15

    10 (+3) = 16 and 17

    11 (+4) = 18 and 19

    12 (+5) = 20

    Example conversion: In 5e, an orc has an Armor Class of 13, Hit Points of 15, gets + 5 to its attack roll, and deals 9 damage on a hit.

    In this 2d6 system, it’s armor would be 8 (need to roll above an 8 to harm it) hit points would be 9, gets +4 to its attack roll, and deals 6 damage on a hit.

    Using these conversions, it should be pretty easy to add new monsters or bad guys from DnD 5e modules. There’s a few free ones on dndbeyond to look over that may help give ideas for quests! I highly recommend Frozen Sick.