In the UK…Politically Left…One of the 48%

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Turns out you were right, I found the Quickstart magazine yesterday and upvoted Threads are collected in the Favourites at the top of the screen and upvoted comments in the one at the bottom (maybe - still not sure about that as it doesn’t seem to make much sense) - seems a combination of good idea and also slightly screwy, I’d prefer to have a Favourites collection of Magazines that I build myself.

  • Hi

    That’s the Favourites at the bottom of the screen under the comment box I think you’re referring to, I’m referring to the list that appears right at the top of the screen. It seems to be mostly filled with random magazines but on the left hand side are four items that seem to be groups of magazines;

    So you have All, Subscribed, Moderated and Favourites, assuming Favourites should work like the others (ie a group of magazines related by the heading title) then I assume Favourites would be a self built group of Magazines that you want to see with one click.