Joe Biden doesn’t care about brown people.

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Joined 16 days ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2024


  • You’re also comparing house of commons seats to PM seats, which is a bad comparison because of the scale and difference in location of said elections. A FPTP election in a locality will inherently have easier competition than a national level FPTP election.

    There’s no such thing as a “PM seat”. The Prime Minister occupies a seat in the House of Commons like any other, for which he must win the election in his local riding. Justin Trudeau is the member for Papineau, a neighbourhood in north Montreal.

    The Governor General (representative of the King) then invites one member of parliament to form government as Prime Minister, for which the other members of the parliament must give a vote of confidence. By convention, that person is the leader of the party that wins the most seats in the House of Commons.

    The Prime Minister of Canada is not directly elected in Canada. There is no nation-wide FPTP election for PM.

  • Setting aside November for a moment, shouldn’t we be having a discussion about whether Biden is fit to be president right now? It can’t be good for all of the nation’s enemies to know the US of A has an addled president, can it?

    He should be stepping aside and letting Kamala take over.

    Let Democrats see how President Harris fares for a couple months before the Democrat convention has to decide in August whether to run a different candidate or stick with Harris.

    That way, if they do decide to run with Harris, she’ll be entering the election as an incumbent.

  • why don’t you outline a realistic plan that leads to neither Biden nor Trump being elected

    The Democrats replace Biden with a better candidate, like Gretchen Whitman.

    (Not Gavin Newsom. He’s just as pro-Israel as Biden.)

    and how you plan to achieve that

    Why is that my job?

    It’s astounding that you manage to miss the entire point of a trolley problem.

    Internet memes about the trolley problem actually fail to present it completely. After the ponderer decides that killing one person is better than killing five people, they are then asked if it’s okay to push a bystander off a bridge onto the train tracks if that would derail the train and prevent it killing five people.

    To me, the ultimate lesson of the trolley problem is that morality is not a matter of trading fewer lives for more lives. That’s why I’m not listening to your “Biden probably means fewer deaths than Trump” argument. Voting for either of them violates my sense of morality.

    I’d rather work on dismantling the tracks, even if it might take a while.

  • HomerianSymphony@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldbombastic side eye
    21 hours ago

    You’re trying to make this a false dichotomy. That’s a form of logical fallacy, and it’s manipulative.

    It’s like those trolley problems about “do you throw the switch or not”? The thing I would do is try to fix the brakes. And if people on the track die, that is the fault of whoever tied them to the track, not me.

    I’m not supporting either Trump or Biden, and neither should you.

    You’re trying to say Trump is worse than Biden, and though I disagree with some of your points, it also doesn’t matter because I am not choosing either of them. I’m trying to fix the brakes.

  • HomerianSymphony@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldbombastic side eye
    22 hours ago

    See, what’s happening here is that you’re viewing my behaviour as deviant, because in the US, voting for one of the two main parties is a social norm. But there’s no need for it to be a social norm.

    US politics will not get better until people choose better options. The Democrats and the Republicans have no incentive to be better until people are willing to vote for other parties.

    It’s time for that social norm to go.

    Blaming, say, Green party voters for a Trump victory “because they should have voted Democrat” makes just as much sense as me blaming Democrat voters for a Trump victory “because they should have voted Green party”.

    The truth is, none of us are obligated to vote for anyone except the candidate our heart feels is best.

  • Oh, I do think Trump is a fascist. (And Biden is supporting a fascist in Israel, so what’s the difference?)

    I meant that the bit about death camps was scaremongering.

    Trump says murderers and rapists will pour across the border. You say Trump will bring in death camps. Aren’t you sick of all the scaremongering?

    And even if death camps are a possibility, you’re asking me to weigh the possibility of death camps against a very real genocide that is happening right now.

    And, I’m sorry, but it is not even close. You still have more power than any Palestinian has. You have not been bombed by your government. Your borders have not been closed. You can flee to Canada if you need to. The Palestinians can’t.