is the earth round can be construed the same way as, “is Jesus real?”.
No it can’t. One is a proven fact with huge testable evidence. The other is a faith with no testable evidence.
Also one is not a religion and not in anyway protected by law.
is the earth round can be construed the same way as, “is Jesus real?”.
No it can’t. One is a proven fact with huge testable evidence. The other is a faith with no testable evidence.
Also one is not a religion and not in anyway protected by law.
Is he a dumbass though. I mean, he was wrong. And obviously so. Given how much simple clear light, experiments can and have questioned his hypothesis.
But honestly, he got someone to gather funds for a trip of a lifetime. Just by being a loudmouth.
Heck, if I thought anyone would take me seriously. I’d be happy to seem stupid to the world for a chance to visit Antarctica. Seems way less hard than actually gaining the qualifications or fiscal clout to be invited.
Yeah, but relative. Those features are smaller relative to the size of earth. Then the imperfections on a pool ball.
Whereas the difference of east west diameter to north-south is much greater. But still unlikely to be noticed by a celestial pool player until the ball starts rolling funny.
And they will. Most will say this guy is a sell out/bullied. Given, they genuinely claim world powers are preventing people going.
It is sorta interesting that the difficulty of getting somewhere. Has a history of creating false stories. If you look at the1400-1600s maps of Africa. Created by Europeans. Humanity has a natural desire to invent the impossible when evidence is not clearly visible.
They seem to ignore how, despite questioning the science behind spherical (ish) earth. They really have no possible explanation for how the universe created their own alternative. Not even a clearly debunkable one.
It’s just like the mythical creatures drawn on the 1500s maps of Africa. It’s more about interesting stories than actual desire to understand.
Yep for decades women got to retire 5 years before men. In 1995 the law changed. Meaning that by 2010 all men and women wound need to wait till 65 to retire and claim state pension. Rather then the 60 women previously had.
So yeah while the women may have paid pension payments since the 1950s expecting a earlier retirement then men. And as have some right to object to the decision and law changes.
Inequality is a pretty pathetic claim and trully seems to insult the men treated unequally in this case.
But let’s remember. Historically a lot of inequality for women including lower pay. Was far from made up for in that one reverse situation.
help disabled people into work
Yeah, unfortunately they forget some facts.
Unless a disabled person has a desirable skill. (in such cases, they are likely already working)
Any company will see hiring disabled as more expensive and less desirable, than non-disabled (or more honestly, less disabled). Although obviously they are never likely to admit it.
Disabled people often know this. This can lead to huge mental health issues. Where disabled people are forced to diminish how their ability affects them during interviews etc.
Honestly, if a person has no high demand professional skill. Being forced to hunt for work where employees are clearly faking a desire or forced to hire you. Can have a really negative effect on the health of the people involved.
But Iran on the cusp. Very much dose.
Lord Hendy is saying do it cheaper. Without actually providing any solutions.
Critisizing the expensive solution to allow disabled to get from one side to another. While just hoping his criticism is all the planners need to develop some wormhole like miracle cheaply.
This guy really is getting his name known.
Yes but these are the departments issued with that task since brexit.
Them not enforcing is why water companies do not feel they need to do the job.
Unfortunatly finning government ministers personally is not possible.
Its also the cost. It would leave us with the same politicians with the same power.
So involves lots of changing of the way our system functions with little real benifit.
Unlike above syggest HOL dose not have the power to stop it. Only delay now. But every law we have is based ob a constitution that passes piwer from the king to parliment.
So for a majority to form. An actual replacemnt needs to be agreed. And thats even harder to work out.
third world nation
Not really a valid term any more/ As it never ment what folks used it for.
1st world was linked to NATO 2nd world linked to Warsaw Pact. Everyone else was 3rd world.
Developing Nation or Underdeveloped nation would be more accurate. Although not less insulting.
if this was a person rather than a business,
Not disagreeing with your point.
But when you take the idea into consideration.
This is a business creating a valueless business, then applying artificial value to increase assets So fraud.
Now your version. A person creates a person. Well not uncommon. But well, everything from there really sounds dodgy.
It really is not possible to remove the business and be talking about the same thing. And its hard to argue it would not be worse.
But yeah, I’m sorta having fun with the words. If a poor/working class human tried to increase assets via fraud. They would be spending time at his majesty pleasure.
and dump Thames Water sewage onto them.
While ensuring it doesn’t go into local rivers. Just to make the point.
PS, money laundering doesn’t describe this. That requires a money source that must be hidden. (IE, to clean it)
This is simple fraud, as the money never existed. It just allows them to convince shareholders they have assets worth investing in. Instead of cleaning dirty money. They are stealing clean money by lying to investors. Then crapping in the pool.
They have the perfect CV for this.
defrauding the system and their customers?
Yes to 1. 2 is the same thing.
Customers have choices. The current water system only gives those choices to the government. We are water company serfs paying taxes to the gov equivalent of lords.
They are allocated land and rights to charge for exclusive distribute on that land. In exchange for service to the rulers.
Yeah, we ain’t the customers the system is. We just pay taxes to the local lords.
At the very least, it should make shareholders not trust the numbers. But according to another post, it is not uncommon.
But it’s hardly surprising we see crap like the Tory politicians over the last few parliaments. When the corps, they rely on for funding, see this as normal.
This is important.
As much as UK, farms have been a tax investment for some (Clarkson and others). The points he makes about how hard it is to profit from farming. Also lead to the land being used this way.
Now the government have removed some of the advantage. If the UK wants to keep any food independence and also reduce travel CO2 harm from our food.
Then we need to at least replace the funding UK farmers had from the EU.
(And ignore the vocal ones that argued for Brexit. As dumb as some farmer were, it’s not all. But this is about the future of the nation and world, not individuals)
What worries me about these reintroductions.
Is how little they discuss why the originals went extinct in the UK.
Most assume it was mankind. And that was def an important part.
But the more direct reason was the removal of dogger bank. IE the land link to Europe. This left many species isolated. And over time, the lack of genetic diversity lead some creatures to die out.
We still have mankind. More to the point, we are now much more likely to effect these animals’ ability to travel between communities and mix genetics.
Reintroducing these animals is pointless unless we also ensure the population is monitored and new ones reintroduced as needed.
By doing exactly what they promised.
Revamping planning rules to limit councils refusal. It was in the manifesto and publicized during the campaign.
About 1% of the nigerian population. In one year.
That os a freaking frightening number.