• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


    1. Add myself to the sudoers group: sudo usermod -a -G sudo myusername
    2. Updated my sources list to include main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
    3. Enable multi-arch (for Steam): sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

    I use KDE and something that annoys me is that file explorers launch files on single click, so I always have to change that to double click in System Settings.

  • My distro is Debian, but I installed it using the Linux (generic amd64) method as posted on https://jellyfin.org/docs/general/installation/linux. I picked this method because I liked the installation instructions. All the files would be in a folder that I specified, I’m accustomed to using systemd to manage services, and the only manually installed dependency is FFmpeg.

    I use docker for some other things, but since docker does take some effort to learn (it’s easy but it still slows me down), I ended up sticking with my manual Linux (generic amd64) installation. Upgrading versions is as simple as extracing the latest file to a folder, updating a symbolic link, and restarting the service. I may choose docker in the future, but haven’t had any problems for the 3-4 years that I’ve been doing it this way.

  • As a longtime Debian user, Steam can work really well on Debian, but rarely there are some things that fall between the cracks when some packages get updated. There’s also a bit of latest-and-greatest envy because Debian (even testing) is a little bit behind. If you’re only using your computer for Steam, look elsewhere. If you want a mostly reliable desktop computer and are okay with occasional hiccups, Debian is pretty awesome. Honestly, any computer you use will run into some issues eventually. If you get familiar with the Debian way of doing things, you’re gonna have a good time!

  • Once I fully embraced the DontBreakDebian way of doing things, I haven’t looked back. I have 3 desktops and 3 laptops on cycles of testing, stable, and testing again depending on the current state of the testing distro. Debian + Flatpak meets most of my needs. Also, not having the latest, shiniest version isn’t always a bad thing. I have only had one major item break in testing and it was fixed within 3 days.