• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • That’s why I hate it when conservatives trot out that fake Voltaire quote about the ones who you can’t criticize are who rules you.

    Bullshit. Kings and emperors have been satirized and mocked for millennia. It’s not that they can’t be criticized, it’s that after their nakedness is on display, the accusations fade into the dirt; nothing sticks, nothing matters.

  • I’m kind of terrible with tofu and thick sauces; even with extra firm tofu that I’ve pressed and frozen/unfrozen, I manage to make it crumble anout 90% of the time, so this is always wizardry to me.

    Granted, I don’t deep fry it because it’s such a huge pain to deep fry so that’s probably my problem…

    Do you think that seitan would hold up well with this? I’d think it’d mimic chicken well, while the tofu is moreso the paneer replacement.

  • It is definitely tough to shed that sense. Growing up knowing I was “weird” and therefore bad (no, it was just undiagnosed autism, but I was an adult before I knew that and that element of myself had long since been solidified) meant that if I wanted people to like me then I had to give more than they did in order to just break even, which is exhausting and unfair, especially since I have a tendency to read neutral expressions as negative ones.

    One thing that has helped me is the realization that that happy feeling I get when someone came to me for help and I helped them? Goes both ways for good people. And it sucks for them, too, if you’re suffering and they could help but you were afraid to ask. Having standards is both a defense of yourself and a means of determining which people should stay prominent in your life.

  • Those are all good points! Certainly some of it is growing pains, but it would make for a better entry point to have a walkthrough upon signup. That could be true of apps, as well.

    It’s all a balancing act, isn’t it? Between managing reputation and the increased trust/context it brings, allowing for a broader range of opinions (and more contentious ones) versus encouraging consensus within a community, and managing user expectations. How do you keep out trolls and chan-culture without encouraging fearful bean counting and a smoothening of the many bumpy opinions into what is widely perceived as acceptable?

    What works for a suddenly engorged, amorphous and non-profit driven organization like Lemmy is going to be different from what Reddit can do from a top-down perspective. I’ve always held paid actors to a higher standard than unpaid ones, so I’m willing to rely more on my own internal sorting of value. Everyone has experienced a time where they or someone else made a good point that was ignored in favor of the popular person’s more mundane one, and I think that that’s just a part of humanity that you can’t kick out without establishing some sort of external arbiter.

    I don’t know the answer to it, just that a simpler system that one disagrees with is easier to navigate than one that’s more complex.