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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I get that, I had that bad habit in Reddit, too, usually because there were already 40 people picking apart things in the comments section.

    But there’s a value to doing it yourself, and leaving it to other people can make that part of you that engages in mental analysis flabby. In this day and age, we often need far MORE critical analysis and primary sources than we’re getting!

    That, and oftentimes bad actors scoop up the funny and wrong posts because they know that a joke that implies their opponents are idiots will land better than just a rant, so you have to be careful about not adding fuel to the fire.

    I agree that it’s an eyebrow raising title, though that might be the point. Still, you’d think journalists would realize at this point that titles can’t just be provocative in order to be catchy. :/

  • Oh I’m always in the All section. Still kinda wrapping my head around instances as a concept: mentally I think if it as a single room with a ton of cubicles.

    I treat subscriptions more like bookmarks: communities that I want to come back to specifically, but I don’t just browse them. It’s more like going to a grocery store and being sure to get the staples but not ignoring the rest of the aisles. How else am I going to find a new interest or perspective worth keeping if I don’t look?

  • “A report, called “Give the Kid a Break – But Only if He’s Straight,” found that LGBTQ young people are given harsher punishments than their straight, gender-conforming counterparts. In the study, participants suggested disciplinary consequences for an older teenager having sex with a 14-year-old. A 16-year-old straight culprit was much less likely to end up on the registry than a gay 16-year-old.


    Even the laws themselves can be blatantly discriminatory. In the 2003 case Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court struck down state bans on same-sex sodomy; however, Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority opinion included this single negating phrase: "[the] present case does not involve minors, which this comment will refer to as “the minor exception.'” Kennedy was referring to adult-on-minor sexual conduct, but states have used it as a loophole. Texas law, for example, considers sexual contact with a minor under the age of 17 a felony, unless both participants are under 18, no more than three years apart, and they are of different sexes.

    Quote from the article, my emphasis added. Please read the article and see the point it’s making before assuming the worst.

  • I agree with you: I think decline of a site is an inevitability, especially after advertising is needed due to increased traffic.

    But I personally don’t need Lemmy or anywhere else to be permanent, since what I get out of it is either transient (scrolling for memes and things that pique my interest) or meaningful enough that it remains with me, meaning enjoyable or thought provoking discussions.

    Granted, I’d rather alternative sites not go tits up in rapid succession while the shuffling corpse they’re trying to ape continues to slog on mindlessly, but keeping the impermanence in mind makes it easier to see these places as areas to congregate rather than the end to surfing the web in general.

  • When I was younger…well, there were only Palm Pilots back then, so it’s a bit unfair, but I’d prefer physical books, and if I were doing active reading then it’d usually be with a physical book.

    Reading digital books now requires using a device that often has access to Youtube or something else that’s shorter and snappier and yet pulls hours upon hours out of my life.

    And as I’ve gotten older…I haven’t read read a book in years. Is it a lack of attention span? Yes, which makes me feel sad and ashamed and so fucking frustrated because I could, I could read long books as a kid and now…I can’t.

    It’s also that I have more to do: laundry, cleaning, work, cooking, errands, exercise… So there’s less time to sit down and read, or if I do, it feels increasingly hedonistic and therefore wrong to just do one thing at once. If I can multitask then shouldn’t I?

    Audiobooks are both a godsend and a curse. I can actually consume books again! But I’m locked into the ease of it.

    Actively choosing to doing just the one thing, for myself, is far harder than it ought to be.

  • I got to a really early point in Dune where a character was thinking about the various ways to be manipulative (not necessarily evil, just politicking) with their expressions and words and body language and I just got tired of it.

    Also gave up on Wuthering Heights. Was it revolutionary in its day to draw back the gilded curtain and display naked domestic abuse for what it was? Sure. But…I don’t need that curtain drawn away, as I’ve seen far better depictions of DV, and, well, I go out in public, too. So it was just tedious bitching and being cruel to each other until I stopped reading.

  • That’s similar to how I do it. I can’t stop myself from reading an unread email, so if it’s a task or issue that I’m actively dealing with, it stays in my inbox, otherwise it gets sorted into various folders. That way, I can bring it up again if I need it for reference.

    Automatic sorting (setting up rules in Outlook, for instance) is useful for either diverting those emails you don’t really need (ones you get looped in on as part of a department regardless of whether it involves you) or are important only in that they exist, so confirmation emails. Then you can rapid fire cycle through that sorted pile instead of dancing around in your inbox.

    A general tip: you can also email yourself, or set reminders via the calendar, if you want to consolidate several discussion threads into one. Ccing your boss with “…and that’s why I’m doing [x]” might also be helpful in terms of keeping track of both your productivity and covering your ass.