MaeBorowski [she/her]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2022

  • all throughout Obama’s 8 years, anytime someone brought up a failed promise, the eternal wars, or the deportations or anything, what we were told was, “Bush would have made it worse.”

    We were? I mean, that’s not what I remember being told. Not because libs were above that (obviously), but rather it doesn’t make any sense. Bush got his 2 terms. Bush already succeeded in being the greater evil and was out of the picture regardless of who took the reins in the white house in 2008. I know what you’re saying doesn’t necessarily mean this, but a few times now I’ve seen hexbears talk as though Bush was voted out in favor of Obama. This is not what happened. Bush was never voted out, and Obama never ran against Bush. John McCain was the Republican nominee (and a big argument of the libs at the time was that he was unfit for office because he was too old and frail, lmao, the irony right?). And after McCain lost to Obama, the liberal response still wasn’t even that McCain would have been worse. You really only see that kind of talk (at least in my experience) directed at potential future threats, which obviously Bush no longer was after he won his 2nd term in 2004. It was simply taken as a given that Bush had been worse because it was his fault that poor Obama had to clean up his mess.

    No, the way the liberals, especially Democrats defended against people pointing out the reality that Obama’s increased drone strikes, continued use of torture, and especially the neverending wars, was not to say Bush would have been worse but simply to say “Well Bush started it, which was unjust, but now that we’re in it, we have to win it.” There wasn’t even a pretense at “Bush would have been worse” because all they had to do was blame it all on Bush to begin with. “Obama inherited a terrible situation, a quagmire we’re in thanks to Bush. But what are we supposed to do now, just give Afghanistan to the Taliban? What, do you side with the terrorists?”

    And about drone strikes, the defense I remember seeing all the time, was that they were more humane than what Bush did. “Drone strikes don’t risk American troops the way Bush did, and really they’re so much more effective at getting the baddies who never even see them coming! It’s ‘unfortunate’ that there has been innocent children hit, but that’s just ‘collateral damage.’” It was shocking (to me, being more naive at the time) how freely and without reflection the Democrats took up the exact same rhetoric that they had correctly railed against when the Republicans used it. The Republican neocons having practically invented “collateral damage” as a popular euphemism was embraced by the Democrats immediately after they came to power.

    a lib president could admit to dropping a biological weapon on china that specifically targets children and every paper would declare him the greatest and most loving humanitarian since Jesus.

    Totally. Remember that Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize after ramping up so many of Bush’s warcrimes.

  • Is there a reason we can’t see ml c/technology from hexbear?

    I don’t think there is. From what I’ve been able to tell, it’s a bug and is relatively common. There are certain comms and even certain users that are plain invisible, as it seems as if they do not federate correctly (despite the rest of the instance being federated). I have talked about it before, and c/technology isn’t the only one like that. We also can’t see the privacy comm from hexbear. And they can’t properly see our literature comm. I’m sure there are others, in fact I know there are I just can’t remember which atm.

    Are we able to defederate from specific communities?

    I think we actually are able to do that now? But that’s not what this is. This was an issue long before that was a feature. And like I said, it happens with certain users too and there is nothing in the modlog of either instance about them being banned or something. They simply don’t exist if you’re looking for them from the other instance. purge-2

  • Oooh, but you’re so entitled! SMH. Just another selfish and self-centered youth, spoiled really to not be willing to go die such a noble death for your betters. The people who want to send you to that death so they can maintain their stranglehold on the working class all over the globe, they aren’t being “entitled,” no. They’re the adults in the room ensuring the Rules-Based International Order. Just because that may translate to more yachts for them and their friends, the Captains of Industry is beside the point. The Captains are certainly not entitled either. And clearly that’s reality, because this definitely not entitled “Journalist” is saying it how it is.

  • It wasn’t totally without benefits, yeah. But something else now possible that (for the most part) couldn’t be done then is just hit pause when you want a break. That way you don’t have to worry about having to either set the gameboy back down to watch when the commercials end or miss some of the show because you’re about to beat the level and can’t just stop playing. Like, commercials were good for a piss break and grabbing some snacks too, but if you were too long in the other room and you came back you’d have no idea how that mini-cliff-hanger resolved.

  • Our music was better, yes, but or TV shows absolutely were just breaks between Pharma ads. As a kid in the 90s I remember despising having to wait through seemingly endless obnoxious fucking commercials (never understood why no one else around me really seemed to mind that much). And every single show would make like a mini cliff hanger for the very purpose of cutting to ads at that moment. God that pissed me off, totally destroyed any tension that they might have built. But now, since the advent of adblockers, I haven’t watched media interrupted by commercials (at least of the non-diagetic kind) in well over a decade. Maybe the commercials and time lengths are worse now, but I wouldn’t know because I can simply choose not see them. A godsend.