25 years in the federal government in guns and badges, 22 of those in Corrections, then 10 years in hacker hunting and breach detection, now an information security sales engineer. Homestead farmer, amateur welder, equipment operator, electronic designer, 40 years soldering, husband and father.

  • 185 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • That legislation is Bill C-59, which would require companies to provide evidence to back up their environmental claims. It is currently awaiting royal assent.

    “They’re censoring conservative speech!”

    You know, I’m old enough to remember when “conservative speech” didn’t mean “lies”.

    As of Thursday, it was also what led the Pathways Alliance, a consortium of Canada’s largest oilsands companies, to remove all its content from its website, social media and other public communications.

    Their entire website was unsupported by evidence?

    It sounds to me like the law is doing exactly what it was intended to do.

  • Conservatives always do the same thing. They cut taxes giving billions of dollars to the rich and cut services for everyone else. (Just a note, here…if you don’t use a million dollar yacht as a runabout for your billion dollar yacht you are the poor that they are referring to when they say, “We don’t want our tax dollars going to support the poor.” They’re taking about you, not for you.) They cut revenue and try to cut spending to make it up but always fail, running up the deficit and the debt, neglecting the military, government, and infrastructure leaving not only a fiscal debt but also an operational/maintenance debt until they are voted out of office. Then the next Liberal government has to pay that debt by spending and the Conservatives complain that they are spending money like drunken sailors, run on, “We’re not them and we’re going to fix everything” without ever having a plan for HOW they’re going to fix everything let alone the intention to fix everything, win, and start the cycle over again.

  • Keep in mind that our standard of living while at its lowest point in 40 years is still among the top two or three in the world. The propagandist never mention that while they’re pushing their grievance politics.

    And to be very clear, electing a Conservative government that will cut taxes on the rich and cut services to everyone else to pay for it will crash or standard of living. Never trust s politician who says, “Elect me because I’m not the other guy and I’ll fix everything” but never tells you how. The one thing you can be absolutely sure of is the fact that he’s not going to fix everything.

  • Fair enough. We have a small house that we keep our ducks in over the summer. They have a nice yard with a small pool. In the winter we have a pen in our chicken house with a separate door and separate small yard where the ducks live. We will the pen with straw and it has a Cozy Coop panel to keep them warm on the coldest nights. The chickens also do a fairly good job of keeping the house warm on all but the coldest nights. They have a pair of Cozy Coop panels up near the roosts at one end of the house and we can stick a little ceramic box heater in there if it gets stupid cold.

  • My wife makes pumpkin pie with a full lard crust from our pigs and duck egg pumpkin custard. I will dig into it hot from the oven and eat it like pumpkin pudding with bits of pie crust floating around on it with a blob of bourbon whipped cream melting on top. It pisses my wife off because the rest of the pie collapses so he always tells me not to touch them until they are cooled. Grrr…