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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • am I wrong in thinking that the users are the product and advertisers the customer?

    I think there was/is a monetization route through the use of user data (probably why they’re pushing their app so much) as well as using all the data for things like language AI modeling.

    But on that last one it seems like the biggest players such as openAI and Microsoft already scraped their site freely. Not sure if they’ve missed a big chunk of that opportunity by now

    I have developed the impression, and it’s mostly just my hunch not so much evidence based - spez and co are kind of kicking themselves for being oblivious to the AI training rush and failing to monetize on it. Probably didn’t even realize it was happening until we all did via crazy headlines showing up in news about what AI could do. That kind of thing may lead to kneejerk decisions on api access

  • I’ve read about this but it kind of loses me since it’s such an abstract model of what’s going on. It treats each dimension as equal but like, time certainly seems distinct from the 3 spatial dimensions too.

    I know it’s legit and a proper way of understanding it though just nitpicking since it leaves me with a sense of fuzziness like, maybe a gross oversimplification?

    Granted I know it’s only meant to explain what’s happening in a predictable way not actually address the nature of these values which I guess is what I naturally lead into wondering about

  • Yeah I figure “experience” is sort of ambiguous and pop science-y, but it’s how I’ve usually had it explained.

    That redshift depends on the observer is obvious now that you point it out and profound too since yeah, I suppose they’re not developing across space in the way I imagined.

    This makes me wonder about a potential universe with nothing except photons/radiation in it. They’d just… never change? Even though they could do things like affect spacetime they pass through or interfere with eachother?

  • The leadership is too much for me. Too many right wing shitbirds with conspiracy delusions, too much open partying with Ghislaine(sp?) Maxwell, and too many mishandled scandals relating to sexual content with minors.

    Huffman (Spez) gave some interview where he talks about civilization falling and he’d “be a slaver rather than a slave” (paraphrasing, I don’t have the interview open) which is just wild because he’s scrawny as fuck.

    There’s always rumors of an IPO but I feel like the current staff isn’t fit to head a public company and would crumble under wide public scrutiny like on the markets

  • I don’t have huge amounts of spare time, probably one hour at a time a few times a week

    Damn I don’t think I’d even bother with that kind of schedule, honestly. I’ve played most of them and I can’t think of any that I think I could’ve ‘properly enjoyed’ on that kind of schedule. Even the older games will take tens of hours and you’ll occasionally need to keep things in mind for later in the game (places to go check out, storyline bits, where tf to go next). I’ve restarted before because I couldn’t remember where to go next >.>

    And these games are solid overall but they can have extended lulls and you’ll end up spending entire gaming sessions in boring parts lol

  • If you don’t mind graphics I’d just do the golden age, the psx gen games. So like ff7-9 and Tactics.

    These are imo the highest quality games in the franchise and Tactics is the most well written and themed game in the whole franchise too.

    The remasters of 7-9 on current gen consoles (probably on pc too?) have a speed up button so you can get through the slow parts much faster. It’s really helpful and I wish all of them had it

  • Yeah I figure I’ll give it time, but probably gonna test out some other alternatives in the meantime too and just see what sticks.

    I got my parents (age 60s) onto Reddit, it was a bit of a challenge but they figured it out for the sake of using it for their niche hobbies. I’ve met people that use it but never the power user type, always people that use it really casually, like just a couple subreddits. Part of what made it bearable was the third party apps too ofc. It always felt convoluted but this is even worse to me. Just figuring out how to respond to your notification was a challenge lol. I had to ultimate go to your profile, your recent posts, and then reply from there. The link to the main topic just goes to the top and this chat is buried

  • If you’re waiting for spez to admit how wrong he was and blah blah, don’t.

    i think he will, except it’ll be in some backhanded way where he frames himself as a victim. He can’t help himself when it comes to the victimization stuff like how he criticized third party apps for being more profitable than actual Reddit which is just pathetic from an investing standpoint

    I think Huffman is very weak as a CEO and consistently misses the mark so he’ll be whining again sooner or later for sure

  • I’m pretty upset over it but less about the third party apps but more that it feels like part of a larger theme: our open discussion mediums are under consistent errosion. Twitter has become a shitshow, reddit will flounder however it can to monetize users to attract investors, and most people that care about communication at large lack the money or means to provide a fleshed out service.

    Reddit is still accessible for most so this change isn’t like on the order of recent Twitter changes, or some of the Facebook shit from like 2015ish. It just feels like these massive communities are both important but also impossible to maintain and preserve properly in the current digital/market landscape

  • The users most affected are the ones most likely to post or curate content. One of those users is more important than a hundred lurkers. So I figure if there’s an effect it’ll be from losing disproportionately valuable OC creators.

    I’ve posted so much content across accounts in the realm of a couple million karma in total. It’s not the first time I’ve reflected on content with 20k+ views and figured this benefit is going both ways with Reddit.

    If I’ve been as addicted to Reddit as I’ve been for years and I’m still willing to find alternatives I figure there must be some other power users like me. Idk if it’ll actually have any effect but I think it may on at least some smaller communities