• 3 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 21st, 2023


  • These are direct quotes from DFV in his livestream. He never says where his mountain of money came from - only that it was his.

    • “I’m the one active on my accounts”
    • “the accounts I’m showing and my positions are MINE”
    • “I’m not working with anyone else”
    • “I’m not working with hedgefunds”
    • “I’m not an institutional investor”
    • “Those positions I posted are my only positions”
    • “…there’s no other positions”
    • “…no other folks i’m working with”

    I’m not sure about the “legality” of lying about these things on a Youtube livestream while trolling with buffoonery, but it’s a possibility. I personally think he was being truthful, albeit very selective with his words.

    I absolutely doubt he was able to scrape together 200+ million (after taxes!?) by himself. We were all shocked he had the financial means to double down in February 2021, and I assumed he tapped a massive line of credit when he quadrupled his position just a few months later. Hundreds of millions, however, is waaayy beyond a 3rd mortgage. Note he did NOT say how he came up with his mountain of money, only that it was “his”.


    • A whale individual(s) with a penchant for chaotic good could’ve gifted him ~$300 million (-1/3 for taxes) with no strings attached - with the assumption, but not the requirement, he’d use the money for a massive GME play. No need to speculate on names.
    • Ironically, he could’ve been paid as a consultant by Gamestop for something extraneous (no insider info) with a very handsome payout & no regulations on how he spent the money he “earned” without access to insider info.
    • Anonymous crypto donation by Russian oligarch via a proxy to DFV as part of an economic warfare tactic, with the desired effect of discrediting the US stock markets and inducing economic stress to force austerity measures & stifle aid to Ukraine.

  • I’m going to suggest possibly irresponsible advice, but step 1 - you need to solve your depression and porn addiction, and ASAP. For that you could try therapy, and/or psilocybin or DMT… Not a heroic dose, but enough to get introspective from an altered POV. Therapy is the obvious long-term recommendation, but the psychedelic route may get you there faster, and you might learn a few things, such as your social obstructions or root causes.

    Second, you need a close friend, at least one, preferably one who is also your desired romantic demographic. Maybe not someone who you’d normally “go for”, but who you’d be happy spending time with - platonically, romantically, whatever it does not matter. The goal is to ground yourself with empathy for that person, and they for you too.

  • If it weren’t for DFV’s comeback perfectly coinciding with the warm-up & run, I’d also be 100% of the opinion this is the prophesied “fake squeeze”. How the absolute fuck did he foresee this run? The movement, volume and speed of this burst is FAR beyond the capabilities retail, even considering DFV.

    • Our buys don’t hit lit exchanges
    • Options do force buys via hedging, but this has rocketed past 90% of all call positions.
    • Gamestop corporate is authorized to buy back 100m worth of stock, and at these prices they’re not getting less bang for their buck at these prices.
    • Larry Cheng bought just a few weeks ago and is on the GME board & “investment committee”, so why would he risk insider trading charges?
    • Even if so, how would DFV have known Gamestop corporate were buying back stock?

    First thought is this is UBS closing out CS’ toxic Archegos bags containing GME shorts, but they’d be foolish to do so with such speed - why not draw it out over time to temper the price & close it out cheaper? Maybe they chose to go first & fast before others with massive short positions have a chance to react & follow suit to survive? But if so, how did DFV have recon on this happening?

    Second thought was Icahn - whether finally closing short positions and/or taking a new long position, IEP just dropped an 8K showing they borrowed 500m… presumably for a big move. Like UBS, though IEP would be foolish to do so this quickly - Carl’s MO is stealth, and this run is the opposite. Perhaps his health is in sudden decline and he wants to see the system burn before he departs?

    Third, and I think the most likely option, is RC. He is (was?) the largest private shareholder of APPL stock which recently did a buy-back. Did they purchase directly from RC so as not to impact their stock price, leaving RC with billions in cash? What if RC then brought DFV into RC Ventures, or coordinated his move with DFV? I’m convinced RC’s GME journey began with DFV, making this a poetic move.

    I think DFV is the new CIO of RCV. Whether the protagonists of this story are attempting a rug-pull or not, the event has finally begun.

  • “The authors conclude that available evidence suggests that fluoride has a potential to cause major adverse human health problems, while having only a modest dental caries prevention effect”: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3956646/

    I’m against removing it completely is because it’s not clear that it isn’t helping prevent tooth decay

    ^ I think this logic needs to be reversed - the burden of proof must be abundantly clear with few to no risks before it should be considered. The paper above also highlights interesting aspects about the initial test which spurred water fluoridation in the US. This was also a time in which broad public awareness of dental hygiene was first entering mainstream - was the causality due to amended tap water, or more tooth-brushing?

    There’s a reason most of Europe (and most of the world) doesn’t fluoridate their water, and their teeth are statistically healthier than the USA & Australia, where most tap water is fluoridated.

    In my opinion the water fluoridation debate has become associated with nut-job conspiracy theorists and the “don’t tread on me” crowd. There are legitimate concerns, and the debate has been ongoing prior to Roswell, etc. There are literal conspiracies diluted in public perception/sentiment by wacky theoretical conspiracies and the types who espouse them.

  • Please do your own research, as this is a very controversial subject which has been fought since its inception, with entrenched opinions. Here’s a primer:

    • Too much fluoride is bad for humans, and the threshold can achieved with a standard diet and recommended intake of water, assuming fluoridated water is used for both consumption and food prep. This excludes fluoride toothpaste.
    • Fluoride can not be removed from tap water using standard water filters, or even R/O filters. Removal requires highly specialized filters which utilize aluminum to chemically un-bind the fluoride, which then require a separate filtration statge to remove the aluminum.
    • This is because fluoride creates some of the strongest chemical bonds, and is the reason it is the primary component in PFAS, or “forever chemicals”
    • Very little of our tap water actually touches human teeth.
    • Fluoride is a problematic byproduct of the production of aluminum and fertilizer industry.
    • Buildup of fluoride in urban/suburban soils is becoming a crop & gardening concern for which there is no viable solution.
    • Fluoride tablets were administered as a remedy for hyper-thyroidism, as it decreased thyroid function. Fluoride is believed to be a factor in the increase of modern hypo-thyroid ailments
    • Fluoride is a known carcinogen.
    • Fluoride is a known neurotoxin, shown to reduce IQ - particularly for children. Many pediatricians advise against fluoride toothpaste at young ages.

    Most of the research done on fluoridating tap water was done in the early 1940s & 50s, well in advance of modern dental hygiene and fluoridated toothpaste use. Studies do definitively show applying fluoride directly to teeth does strengthen tooth enamel, but modern studies are mixed, at best, regarding efficacy of fluoridated tap water between equivalent socioeconomic communities. No studies have been conducted regarding dermal absorption of fluoride , believed to further elevate intake.

    I think the simplest solution is to let people choose for themselves, and add fluoride to their personal drinking water if that’s what they choose.

    We don’t need to fluoridate water in our toilets, showers, or irrigation.

  • For anything construction-scale, all supplies sold in the US are based on 4x8’ sheet goods and 16-24" on-center framing. I also concede that king George the 74th’s foot length is more human-scale when dealing with large measurements: 20 feet vs 6096 mm. I still use metric when possible, however - I find it easier and more accurate.

    For EVERYTHING else I’ve switched to using metric.

    Context: I grew up in the US using imperial units and only pivoted to the metric system in 2020. If I grew up thinking in metric and building supplies/standards used it, it’d be superior in every way.

    TL;DR I like my imperial/metric combo tape measure.

  • Agreed, with an addendum. We must simultaneously work to reform the existing system AND build a new system. One incentivizes the other, thereby ensuring the outcome & its expediency. There’s growing public awareness, community participation, and current (& future) activist whales with good intentions to kick-start the journey to a better future on both fronts. Needless to say I’m 100% convinced we need non-fungible securities ownership via NFTs or some equivalent system.

    The “hard to build things, easy to destroy” truth resonates - Markets should be (financially) incentivized to create rather than destroy, which is why I’m against short selling at all - legit or naked/counterfeit. It is simply too easy to destroy a company & profit from its destruction, either forced via massive short positions or plants/sellouts within a board/C-suite.