Kaffe (cough-uh)

I’m a cup of coffee

New Afrikan

Read Walter Rodney!

  • 11 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • No it’s not. Wages in the Imperialist countries are buffed by super-exploitation of the global South.

    The amount of resources Americans use means that they are condensing into a “middle class” above the 3rd world nations workers and below the Imperial Bourgeoisie.

    Spending most if not all of your paycheck does not mean you aren’t “middle class” (petty bourg or labor aristocrat). You were never meant to be able to accumulate wealth, the bourgs want you to consume it and for them to get it in their balance sheets at the end of the day because you bought goods and services from their property. If you are accumulating significant wealth that can’t be wiped out due to crises (ex: getting very ill, medical costs), you are certainly not exploited. If you are consuming more labor than you put out, but break even on paper, you’re still not exploited (Imperialist wages).

    This is why Economism (and accompanying social democracy) is dead end politics that is incapable of handling national contradictions that Imperialism feeds on.

    As well, the top 80% of income brackets have been getting increased wealth and income, since the end of WW2.

  • I think it’s best for the whole piece to be taken in to discuss the current party ecosystem within the Anglo settler states, PSL is in the section on revisionist and Trot orgs as its structure and issues are similar to the CPUSA. USU views FRSO as a potentially better org at least ideologically, even though it is a “pre-party” formation rather than a true party like PSL.

    In my opinion, PSL has wealth that allows it, at least right now, to better serve organizers. However, the ideological development of the mass and leadership of the PSL is very lacking (and deeply Americanist), which is a crit you’ll see from myself and Chunka Luta Network members a lot (some are in PSL too). PSL has money to do things that FRSO just doesn’t right now since it is not a party organization at this time, so actions are coming out of the expenses of individuals. If FRSO’s ideological development had the resources of PSL and CPUSA the movement in the Imperial Core would be a lot more interesting.

  • I know you didn’t bring it up but the 90% thing is a myth. Rates were different for different outbreaks and many of the deaths chocked up to disease that contributed to the depopulation of Mesoamerica and the Gulf region (now US South) was due to mass slavery by the Spanish and Portuguese who were destroying villages and capturing slaves to work them to death mining silver and gold for a 7 year life expectancy in captivity.

    Certainly some communities were hit extra hard by outbreaks, whole villages wiped out like the one the Mayflower colonists would inhabit with homes and food stores ready-made by the deceased.

    However disease was consistently the largest killer during wars in the Colonial period. Outbreaks would kill half the population in the aftermath of wars throughout pre US and US history like that in the north east during the 1776 events and those in Oregon country right after Plateau wars in the 1850s and 60s.

    Being displaced from sources of medicine, being displaced from clean water and food, losing elder knowledge keepers to the diseases, those elders were also more likely to be killed in a Conquistador’s raid. There are many compounding reasons why disease was so rampant and deaths due to war usually came in the form of disease, for instance, some estimates put half the deaths in WW2 to disease and famine.

  • The market of ideas is not the battleground of Imperialism. The US struggle against the PRC over Bytedance is the US Bourg trying to enforce the International Rule that large corporations outside of the US are not allowed to exist outside of the public exchange. Americans need to be able to buy it up, whenever they want. This is also how the US exerts national domination over the Bourgeoisie of other nations. They can only invest in certain things on the continent, like real estate (which there are talks of banning Chinese nationals from owning land), and tech companies (inclusive of entertainment infrastructure), to keep the bubbles in both growing. They store their wealth in the US, under restrictions, so the US can remain liquid and clip coupons.

    This is similarly why some European big whigs are calling for liberalization of pensions so they can be spent on militarism, which as we know from books like Palo Alto, the STEM sector in the Imperialist nations and militarism are two sides of the same process. Imperialism is Scientific Capitalism. 401k funds are also workers giving their wages straight to International Capitalism without going through the government.