• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Okay, feels like three per day is still a lot. Nobody’s out there writing three books per day. Unless this is, like, a publisher limit.

    Also I’m pretty sure I bought one of those AI books, for embedded development, a while ago. I would be pretty pissed off about it, but actually it was so poorly formatted and weird that bit was pretty funny. It was like 12 bucks for a joke.

    Now it’s a good way to show to people that AI generated slop even exists in book space, a cheap lesson.

    I got the proper textbooks too, so I did get the information I was looking for.

  • Neat, but nanotubes have been around for a long time now. The problem has always been scaling up, which this article mentions is still an issue, sigh.

    Although, the 86% connectivity of copper seems relatively low, I think with higher quality nanotubes, it would be higher than copper, right? I’m stretching my memory a bit. I feel like I haven’t read about manotubes for a number of years. The high strength they mentioned later in the article, sounds the same as I’ve heard before. A well-formed nanotube braided properly should be basically the strongest rope we’ve ever made.

  • This is basically the last argument I made to my family before we stopped talking about politics

    They were like hey, you seem to be going down these propaganda rabbit holes. But here’s what I believe. And I’m like yeah, I know what you believe. I believed it for 35 fucking years too, I’m the one that did more research and changed my mind, You all don’t even know the definition of socialism, let alone communism!

    At that point, I decided that, yeah, I’m talking to brick walls. I’m not going to do this anymore. They’ll have to research it themselves.

  • Oh man. In the not too distant past. About a year and a half now. I would say that, Yeah, that was one of my favorite shows and… Its very true. Watching that show give me a sense of superiority for sure.

    In fact, it’s kind of funny. I think that show had a backlash effect on me. I’d watch this show every week expose some problem and then society would do fuck all to fix it. Long story short, I eventually realized that the problem was capitalism, obviously. Went on a journey to learn how to actually solve these problems.

    Now I’m a tankie.

    Thanks Mr. Oliver!

  • OMG googling for China green energy news is nearly impossible…

    Anyway I read something recently that said that if China’s green advancements were ignored, the world would have gone backward in percentage of green energy production.

    China is a big country, so anything it does make a huge difference. The fact of the matter is that when they build more green energy than many european nations entire energy output, we know for sure that whatever they do sets the stage for the world. Taking them out of the equation and seeing how bad the rest of the world is doing highlights how China is dragging the rest of the world kicking and screaming into the energy future.

    On a related note, when trying to find this article you can’t help but run into “ChInA hAs gREen eNERgy buT AlSo hAs cOaL sO iT doEsnT CoUnt” nonesense.

  • allows states to enforce laws that replace faithless electors

    Ah, yeah that’s a whole 'nuther problem. Comes after the initial problem of actually getting those 270 in their seats and to vote in unison.

    all for the FBI to assassinate the candidate

    Damn, that’s true. so many problems with that idea haha!

  • Yeah, it actually really confuses me that people say that your vote matters in the USA. Even if you’re fully bought into the system, D’s or R’s, you can’t fucking deny that the Electoral College is gonna do whatever it fucking wants. The electoral college mostly ignores what its people say ( Obviously, they mostly align, but some counties that flipped last election, they decided to ignore that, and some counties didn’t flip, and they decided to ignore that too). There were electoral college members that voted third party in Trump vs Clinton. Like what? Talk about a protest vote haha.

    Hell, if American Communists could get their act together and just get as many people secretly into the Electoral College as possible, we could totally fucking run a coup in this place ( Okay, okay. Once you become a part of the system, you tend to have a hard time fighting it. So, honestly, that probably wouldn’t work).