Redcuban1959 [any]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2020


  • Update on Elon Musk Vs. Brazil:

    Supreme Court Judge Moraes ordered X to pay R$10 million so that it can start operating again. The amount refers to the “dribbles” of the blockade made by the platform.

    Xandão (Moraes nickname) also set a fine of R$300,000 for lawyer Raquel de Oliveira Villa Nova Conceição for failing to comply with demands in August. In the decision, Moraes recognizes that X blocked the profiles mentioned and provided data about them, as determined.

    The minister verified the data of the companies and X’s representative with information from the Central Bank and the Federal Revenue Service.

  • The official KCNA news agency did not say how Biden had insulted the North’s leader, Kim Jong Un, but the 2020 presidential hopeful has been critical of U.S. President Donald Trump’s policy, saying he was coddling a murderous dictator.

    Misspelling Biden’s name, KCNA said the former vice president was showing signs of “the final stage of dementia,” and the “time has come for him to depart his life.”


    In a commentary, it said, “Such a guy had the temerity to dare slander the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK,” using the North’s official name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

    “It was the last-ditch efforts of the rabid dog expediting his death,” KCNA said. “Rabid dogs like Baiden (sic) can hurt lots of people if they are allowed to run about. They must be beaten to death with a stick, before it is too late.

    Kim really knew what kind of people Biden really is

    In contrast, the North has credited a “close personal relationship” between Kim and Trump for saving ties between their countries from a destructive pattern of hostility. The leaders have met three times to discuss improving ties and ending the North’s nuclear weapons program.

  • I think Isreal is lashing out with the terrorist attacks and assassinations in hope that Hezbollah will sue for a cease and they won’t have to do the ground invasion.

    Same, both that won’t happen. Even the zionists/conservatives know that, the more they attack Hezbollah, they more radical the group will become. And if Israel moves north, they will then also have to deal with the Lebanese Armed Forces, Leftist Guerrilas and other paramilitary groups attacking them.

    I really worry about the nuclear option when Isreal is on the edge of collapse.

    I don’t think the US will ever let Israel use Nukes. The US will offer them to evacuate their entire country (Even though the IDF and Israeli society is always prepared to commit mass suicide in case of defeat, much like Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan) and probably a lot of Israelis will accept that. I can see the US and the zionists in the US and Europe financing terrorist groups in Palestine.

    I also believe that if the two-state solution were ever actually implemented (it probably never will be, because it’s a stupid idea), it would first require major changes in the Israeli leadership (maybe an IDF coup or something). But it would have to be constantly enforced by UN peacekeepers, which would be a logistical nightmare and still wouldn’t stop violence. And even if Israel withdrew from the West Bank and Gaza. Most of Israeli society would not support it. I remember that when Rabin said they would start withdrawing from Gaza and the West Bank, the Israelis settlers said they wouldn’t and that they would create another Israel called the State of Judea.

  • Yes, the more Israel attacks other countries and peoples, the more radical and daring the militias and governments will become. I believe that the US will intervene to prevent Israel from collapsing (from what I’ve seen, many Israelis have already fled during the earlier attacks by Hamas and Hezbollah). Which is something the US has done before.

    Israel is a country that can’t last longer, if they sue for peace with the Palestinians and other countries, the Zionists will never forgive their own government and will start doing terrorism against their own goverment (like what they did when Rabin agreed to the Oslo Accords). If Israel doesn’t sue for peace, it will be fighting a war that it can’t win without destroying the whole region and its own “country”.