• 6 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2023


  • That’s just the way you write the rules being deprecated, not the functionality.

    I didn’t say that it is impossible to do it, just that after I read the documentation it told me that.

    Something that I couldn’t even find in the documentation was how to do several actions with one keybind, on i3 each action is separated by a comma and you can assign variables to them, for example:

    $BIND $MOD+$SHFT+Mod2+KP_1 $MVTO $WS1, $WS1, $WDUNST "$WS1"

    Which means:

    bindsym Mod4+Shift+Mod2+KP_1 move container to WorkSpace "1", WorkSpace "1", --no-startup-id dunstify -r 33 -t 600 "$WS1"

    In english that is move the focused window to workspace 1, focus workspace 1 and send a notification of the current workspace (the last one is for some visual feedback).

  • Yes, I spent a while reading the documentation on how to pin workspaces to certain monitors only for hyprland to tell me that it is deprecated.

    Also an issue I noticed is that you can’t move floating windows between displays with the move left/right commands, move left/right moves the floating window to the left or right of the display and no more, meaning that the window gets stuck at the border of the display and doesn’t move more.

    Also I couldn’t figure out how to make hyperland run several commands in a row with one keybind, or how to filter windows with expressions, something that I do a lot on my i3config .

    And my biggest issue, and this one seems to be with wayland in general is that it seems that it is impossible to set my displays to extended more, that is turn the 3 displays that I have into a single display which I use with some games.

    i3 isn’t perfect either, I actually had to fork it and apply a patch that fixes and issue that I have that hasn’t been merged yet either.

    I will list all my issues with sway anyway, hopefully somebody out there notices it and fixes them:





    And all these bugs are the result of less than 2 days in total of use of sway, there is likely more that I haven’t run into.

    I also had an issue that affected xfce4 apps, but that issue ended up being a dbus-broker issue that only happens on wayland for some reason lol

  • My numbers were correct and I explained why.

    Do you mind telling me the application list so I can check that myself?

    because they are problematic by design. I didn’t go out of my way to cherrypick a small handful of applications that just so happened to use three different runtimes

    Kinda odd, I didn’t even know it was using 3 different runtimes until very recently, I just installed the biggest applications that I had as appimages to make the comparison, and yuzu because I use that one very often lol.

    EDIT: Don’t you think that on itself isn’t problematic by design?

    in order to bash it.

    How should I have phrased my comment so that I wasn’t bashing flatpak?

    due to the huge systematic problems they have.

    Such as?

  • but that can and does cause reliability and probability issues.

    Flatpak and snaps have been the most broken on this. Just recently I was talking about issues that I had with yuzu on that. And more recently steam as I wanted to test something…

    Also I remember you, you were the guy that didn’t reply when you gave a number that I found very odd (Basically impossible lol):


    Were you guy that downvoted the comment btw?

    Appimages don’t use any deduplication at all and usually package everything in the app.

    Yes, doesn’t mean anything if flatpak uses way more storage…