Helldivers should no longer slide around on the ground after ragdolling from a blast (despite it being the year of the snake)
This one made me genuinely lol
Helldivers should no longer slide around on the ground after ragdolling from a blast (despite it being the year of the snake)
This one made me genuinely lol
First I heard of them was the Collab they did with Baby Metal on Ratata, then came across We Got The Moves, and been hooked ever since. I feel like you need to watch the music videos to get the full experience. Electric Callboy do fun metal things.
This sounds great, what did you go for?
First year in dorms, fire alarm goes off and I’d evacuate. By third year I’d just put a pillow over my head and just accept my fate whatever it may be.
It’s not just the cost that prevents heat pumps from being viable, there are other costs too. In order to have a heat pump the house needs to be fully insulated, not just loft insulation. Radiators need changing, and there needs to be sufficient space for the heat pump unit.
There are plenty of houses with solid brick walls rather than cavity, which costs a lot more for external/internal insulation installation. Older houses were never built with the idea of heat pumps in mind, and so I think there needs to be a much more realistic and viable solution.
Signed. I’ve not got high expectations for this but it’s worth a try.
This was my first time watching The Traitors and I enjoyed it all the way except the final.
I’m disappointed Leanne won, but pleased Jake won. Alexander didn’t deserve to be banished, the poor guy was dealt a bad hand the whole way through.
Leanne was far too aggressive in her defense that no one dared to judge her except Alexander.
Charlotte got what she deserved after immediately double crossing Minah. I was team Minah all the way through, you could tell she was just having fun but she made a huge mistake trusting in sisterhood with Charlotte.
I feel like they need to have measures in place to have the faithfuls work together more, at the end it feels like it’s in the faithfuls best interest to whittle the numbers down the smallest possible for they get more money in a split.
Depending on your age, it is free. Need to slap some asterisks on the image with some sub notes.
This is clearly some quick thought from marketing. They haven’t actually created a product/solution that every day people would buy and use.
“It’ll only cost $50!*” *If you just buy the fans, and then everything else on top - per radiator.
The concept is cool, but maybe they should have actually invested more time and money into R&D for a real product.
Maybe they slap a festive Xmas hat on it? Can’t say I’ve ever got one
Ahhh that finally explains why the spiders have items on them when you kill them
I suspect he surrounds himself with people that won’t tell him he’s wrong because they want to continue to suckle the Elon teat. He likely lives in an echo chamber and there are people who “protect” him from seeing criticism.
Given the current state of the world, what if now was the right time for it to be found?
How about capping the amount they can earn above their lowest paid employee? For them to rise they have to take everyone with them
Article says Sam Altman/AI CEO and Patrick Soon-Shiong/LA Times publisher
Shiitake mushrooms were my gateway mushrooms. It also depends how they are cooked.
Growing up my parents would barely cook the mushrooms, so when I’d find one by accident and bite into it I’d get gross earthy mushroom juice 🤢.