• 4 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023


  • I fucking hate the “meta” era of online gaming we are in. Everything has to be meta. “You shouldn’t use that gun, it deals 0.3 DMG less than the others”, “that armor is bad since patch 27383727 3 minutes ago”, “how dare you play this champion that has a 2% lower win-rate”.

    Fuck off, meta is something that became relevant for pro gaming. I don’t give a shit about the meta, this is bronze, it literally doesn’t matter at the skill level 99% of players are at. People just want to have something to blame when they lose: “of course you won, that weapon is OP/imba/busted”.

    And it’s making its way into pve/coop too now. Every time I launch a new online game I have to learn what people want me to play so that I don’t get yelled at. How about you just let me play? So what if my build is not optimal?

    I think gaming has made amazing strides, but along the way some people forgot that the main goal is to have fun.

  • “One could make the argument that this is like a fraudulent cheese,” Kehler said. “As a cheesemaker, it’s a fraud. It looks like a cheese. It might taste like a cheese. But it’s not. It’s not connected to our historical understanding of what cheeses are.”

    Oh fuck off, I love cheese arguably more than the next guy, and it’s one of the main reasons why I’ll stay as a vegetarian instead of going full vegan, but this is just stupid. Who gives a shit about “our historical understanding of” bla bla bla. With how processed most food is nowadays there’s clearly no historical connection to anything.

    Honestly this whole thing is pretty disgusting, there was clearly lobbying involved, and the fact that they changed their minds after 6 months and then changed the rules while pretending their decision makes sense is so obvious. I agree with the CEO, that committee or whatever should step down and be replaced. It’s clearly just people being afraid of change and losing money. If it looks like cheese, smells like cheese, tastes like cheese, then who gives a fuck if it isn’t ‘real’ cheese.

  • Does it really matter though? “Well you see, they didn’t actually see you naked, it was just a photorealistic approximation of what you would look like naked”.

    At that point I feel like the lines get very blurry, it’s still going to be embarrassing as hell, and them not being “real” nudes is not a big comfort when having to confront the fact that there are people masturbating to your “fake” nudes without your consent.

    I think in a few years this won’t really be a problem because by then these things will be so widespread that no one will care, but right now the people being specifically targeted by this must not be feeling great.