• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Short answer: policies over parties and making politics more accessible to the public who wish to be fairly represented.

    Weaken the power of all political parties. Policy groups and think tanks are allowed to form around single policies but not be a political group represented on the ballot box.

    All policy groups get a fixed campaigning budget from the government they can not exceed. Benefits in kind are also counted to discourage corruption. All contributions are to be declared publicly and the named private individuals must be the sole source of the capital contribution.

    MPs wishing to stand for election must declare the specific policies they support. They get a single A3 poster to be displayed in the polling station with the policies they support on it.

    Polcies, must be stated in SMART format as any sensible manager would set for objectives: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Each element of the SMART layout may not exceed 2 side of A4, meaning a maximum of 10 pages for each policy.

    Replace First Past The Post with Marked Preference.

    Prime Minister is directly elected by the public from the pool of elected MPs through Marked Preference.

    Create Citizen assemblies to tackle keystone reforms as they have been shown to have had great success in Ireland and other countries. Citizen assembly budgets are double that of private policy groups to keep the balance of money in politics firmly in favour of the majority not the few.

    Slowly replace the House of Lords with the House of Assemblies. Those that have previously served in Citizen Assemblies are chosen at random to serve in the new House of Assemblies. The commissions works currently undertaken by the House of Lords, i.e. most of the work they do outside of scrutinising policy proposals, to be given to a technocratic jury of experts in their respective fields.

    The creation of a federated civic social network to act as an online public space and centre for all e-government services (local, regional, and national).

    And finally, some other reforms that also affect politics:

    • Everyone’s tax records are publicly available. This is already a reality in Finland.
    • All print, broadcast, and digital media companies that style themselves as “News” must adhere to the “fair and balanced” doctrine which will be over seen by an independent watchdog with powers to punish those seeking to spread disinformation.