• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • an omnipotent being can make omelettes without cracking eggs

    Can you prove that?

    these beings are not really as powerful as one imagines them to be!

    If you’re inventing a fictitious being, it can be as powerful or not as you imagine. But if we’re posting a real thing, we’re forced to concede some logical limits.

    “You’re not God because you didn’t do things the way I imagined them to be” doesn’t logically follow. No more than suggesting robots aren’t real because they don’t match what I saw once in an anime.

  • would that also not imply that the other part of each religion is definitely wrong?

    Absolutely. Which justifies all the inter-religious wars. They’ve got to beat out all the heresies.

    why then would a set of all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful beings set in place a whole ethic that’s even partially incorrect?

    Can’t make an omelet without cracking a few eggs.

  • I just do not understand how anyone is on the fence about DJT…

    Gotta consider which fence we’re talking about. For some folks, the fact that he let his daughter marry a (((Kushner))) means he was just too Woke. For others, the fact that he got successfully convicted means he’s a big stupid loser. Some people just love an underdog and will vote for anyone who isn’t currently in office.

    You have to keep in mind that “independent” doesn’t mean “in the middle of Democrats and Republicans”. In the same way people abandoned Hillary over the Comey Letter, I’m sure there’s a certain number of independents who are scared off of Trump entirely because they don’t like the idea of someone being a convicted felon.