A lot of us have money but we are still sensible with our spending. I make a great income from my job and live in a house me and my wife own in Philippines but of course we could go around to different areas spend more. Well we do but never long stay. Longest in a high cost area was 3 months in osaka as a home base and traveled from there. Was not cheap but worth the time.
I think the idea of a DN is living in an area with locals but above life style. Experience things we can’t in our own counties. Learn new cultures but why still having comforts from home. This can be done in many countries under 1k a month usd.
Not about being poor or broke but about being sensible.
I am also thinking retirement at 45 soon because i lived this life style for 20 years.
Don’t use your phone or keep things easy to grab in your parents if you are riding jeepney in Philippines. I have had people in past try and grab my shit. Nothing gone but they try really fast and move on. Mostly when we are stopped at a light.